
New research article published in Human-Computer Interaction

New research article published in the Journal of Human-Computer Interaction by our lab member Anke Stoll together with Lena K. Wilms, Katharina Gerl and Marc Ziegele from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. The article entitled "Technology acceptance and transparency demands for toxic language classification - interviews with moderators of public online discussion fora" examines the technology acceptance of algorithm-based moderation software. The study focuses on moderator characteristics and workplace requirements as prerequisites for technology acceptance and combines structured qualitative interviews with an Enhanced Cognitive Walkthrough (ECW) of algorithm-based moderation software.

The full article can be found here:

Wilms, L., Gerl, K., Stoll, A., & Ziegele, M.(2024).Technology acceptance and transparency demands for toxic language classification - interviews with moderators of public online discussion fora.Human-Computer Interaction. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370024.2024.2307610