M. Sc. Florian Seifert has successfully completed his dissertation

TU Ilmenau

On December 20, 2022 Florian Seifert successfully defended his dissertation with the topic Effects of discharges on dielectric interfaces at direct voltage and superimposed medium-frequency alternating voltage. The doctoral committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Hannes Töpfer, consisted of the reviewers Prof. Dr. Jürgen Petzoldt (Power Electronics and Control Group), Prof. Dr. Carsten Leu (HTWK Leipzig) and Prof. Dr. Christian Franck (ETH Zurich) as well as Prof. Dr. Michael Rock (Group for Lightning and Surge Protection) and Prof. Dr. Frank Berger (Electrical Equipment and Switchgear Group).

Dr. Seifert works as an acamedic staff member at the Advanced Electromagnetics Group (Research Unit High-Voltage Technologies) of Prof. Dr. Hannes Töpfer as well as in the teaching group Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering of Dr. Sylvia Bräunig.