On 17.03.2023 the symposium of the research initiative "Productive Teaming" took place at the TU Chemnitz. More than 40 scientists from different institutions of the Research and Innovation Network Chemnitz-Ilmenau-Magdeburg ("CHIM") accepted the invitation, among them representatives of the TU Chemnitz, the OVGU Magdeburg, the TU Ilmenau as well as the Fraunhofer Institute in Chemnitz, Ilmenau and Magdeburg.

Prof. Emese Domahidi was present on behalf of the CCS department and is involved in the area of Conditions and Effects of Successful HMC.


Further information about the research initiative as well as current developments can be found here: https://forschungsnetzwerk-chim.de/projekte/productive-teaming/.

In addition, you can find a more comprehensive news of the project initiative here: https://forschungsnetzwerk-chim.de/ein-symposium-drei-universitaeten-erfolgreicher-interdisziplinaeren-dialog-zwischen-wissenschaftlerinnen-und-wissenschaftlern-zur-menschzentrierten-zukunft-der-produktion/