
Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität and automotive thüringen conclude cooperation agreement

The Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo) at the TU Ilmenau is focusing on even closer cooperation with the industry association automotive thüringen (at) in order to cope with the structural change in the automotive industry.ThIMo has already been an institutional member of automotive thüringen since its founding. The new agreement expands the strategic cooperation in the future, especially to the specialization field of sustainable and intelligent mobility. The ThIMo acts as an innovation platform and competence center.


Both partners in the cooperation agreement, ThIMo and at, complement each other excellently in managing the structural change in the automotive industry. In the future, project ideas can be developed and implemented in an even more targeted and effective manner with partners from industry and research: whether new concepts in vehicle electrics, networking and IT or lightweight construction in automotive engineering.

More effective contact between industry and science inside and outside Thuringia

The director of the ThIMo, Professor Matthias Hein, is convinced that the new partnership will make contact between business and science inside and outside Thuringia even easier and more effective: "We were looking for ways to realize knowledge, idea and technology transfer in the field of mobility research from within the TU Ilmenau and have found them in the cooperation with at. With the cooperation, needs of the Thuringian automotive and supplier industry can be communicated even faster and addressed by the scientists of the ThIMo."

Mathias Hasecke, chairman of at, sees mobility and digitalization as such central topics of the automotive industry: "With the new agreement, we want to further combine the knowledge and expertise of both institutions in these fields. The use of digital technologies, complex power electronics and artificial intelligence has become indispensable. One aspect of the collaboration is also to support industry personnel in developing skills for the mobility of the future."

Founded in 2011 at TU Ilmenau, ThIMo has many years of project and research experience in the automotive and supplier industry and has a wide range of technological capabilities and state-of-the-art test benches. The institute thus makes a significant contribution to turning the potential of Thuringian entrepreneurs into market advantages.

Sustainable mobility technologies

In accordance with its strategic orientation, the ThIMo pursues the goal of accompanying the industry's transition to sustainable mobility technologies on the basis of the scientific excellence it brings together. To this end, scientific findings are developed with a focus on industrially suitable and economically viable solutions that meet the demand for scientific expertise and infrastructure by companies both inside and outside Thuringia.

The state-of-the-art equipment in measurement and testing technology, together with considerable personnel and financial support from the TU Ilmenau, enables research into new technologies in five core areas of expertise:

  • Drive technology: emission minimization, electromobility, alternative fuels.
  • Vehicle technology: driving automation, driver assistance systems, networked test benches
  • Radio and information technology: 5G/6G applications, design and test procedures for the cognitive vehicle, virtual verification and validation
  • Plastics technology and lightweight construction: interiors of the future as well as sustainable raw materials and production processes
  • Power electronics and functional integration: modern on-board electronics and control systems, efficient energy management

Information: http://www.mobilitaet-thueringen.de



Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein

Director Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität
+49 3677 69-2832
