
TU Ilmenau cooperates with German Youth Hostel Association

On January 1, 2022, a cooperation between TU Ilmenau and the German Youth Hostel Association will begin. Both sides will benefit from the cooperation: TU Ilmenau will support the Ilmenau Youth Hostel in planning class trips and camps, and the Ilmenau Youth Hostel will open its doors to accommodate children and young people at university events.

TU Ilmenau/ari

The TU Ilmenau and the youth hostel welcome children and young people who come to Ilmenau for a few days or even for several weeks on a wide variety of occasions - cooperation was an obvious choice. The just signed cooperation agreement between the university and the youth hostel association defines the forms of cooperation: The TU Ilmenau supports the Ilmenau youth hostel in the planning of class trips and leisure time activities, especially in the organisation of scientific-technical events, project days and weeks and in events for the study orientation of young people interested in studying. And the youth hostel makes its entire infrastructure available to the university for its events - rooms, grounds, equipment and technology - and provides catering for the children and young people.The participants in events and projects of the TU Ilmenau do not only benefit from accommodation and catering in the youth hostel. Through the cooperation, the TU Ilmenau would also like to promote the international exchange of pupils, students and also young scientists from all over the world and thus strengthen their intercultural competence. Perhaps the most important goal of the cooperation for the university: to arouse enthusiasm for science and technology among children and young people, to motivate them to engage intensively with the STEM subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, and thus possibly to inspire them to study at TU Ilmenau.

TU Ilmenau

The Corona pandemic permitting, the next event of the TU Ilmenau will be three project days of the Gymnasium Ruhla on the topic "Fascination of Mechanical Engineering" at the Ilmenau Youth Hostel in March. When the TU Ilmenau invites to the next summer university from 17. to 22. July invites, 20 schoolgirls from all over germany will stay in the Ilmenau Youth Hostel and get an insight into the various departments of the TU Ilmenau. And when schoolgirls in grades 10 to 13 set off on the CampusThüringenTour, the only one of its kind in germany, on an orientation tour of eight thuringian universities, they will live in the Ilmenau Youth Hostel for a week during their stop at the TU Ilmenau.



Jenny Gramsch

Marketing and Communication
3677 69-3288
