
TU Ilmenau takes part in Girls' Day

For the nationwide Girls' Day on 22 April 2021, Technische Universität Ilmenau will open its doors to interested young women and girls - in Corona times, of course, virtually, i.e. via video conference. Nevertheless, the girls from the 5th grade will get an excellent insight into various professional fields and scientific areas. With three interesting digital offers, the TU Ilmenau, in line with the nationwide Girls' Day, wants to specifically motivate girls and young women to take up technical and scientific professions.Registration: www.girls-day.de

Girls' Day takes place once a year and aims to inspire girls for the MINT sector and to enable them to discover unknown talents in themselves. In this way, Girls' Day aims to attract more women to careers in the fields of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology.

The girls who take part in Girls' Day on 22 April from 3.30 p.m. will get an insight into science, research and development at a renowned technical university. Even a week before Girls' Day, almost all the places on the "Medical Technology under Electricity" program at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Ilmenau have been filled. During an interactive virtual tour of the institute's laboratories, the schoolgirls learn about the research focus of "Electrical Warning", which explores how electrical surges are used to warn people of health hazards. And they also learn what the measurement of electrical voltage has to do with muscle strength, physical fitness and brain activity.

At the Institute of Mathematics, the girls have to solve a mathematical problem together: "How many fish does Fischer Fritze catch?" Answering it not only helps Fritz catch more fish, but the girls also learn along the way how math helps the fishing industry optimize its catch. In "Fly with us to Mars", the participants playfully take on the challenge of programming. They program brightly colored rockets and the countdown to the launch and thus realize their personal mission to space.

At the Open Roberta Coding Hub Ilmenau, the girls have fun learning how to work with digital media, robots and programming. The Student Research Center at TU Ilmenau, the Institute for Microelectronic and Mechatronic Systems IMMS and the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology have joined forces to offer this program.

Registration for all offers is possible via www.girls-day.de.