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"The TU Ilmenau is aware of its role and responsibility for society to make its knowledge and findings available for the benefit of society and for the benefit of economic development and thus to contribute to a science-based further development of society. In this sense, the TU Ilmenau understands the transfer of its scientific and technological knowledge to the economy, society, culture and politics as well as the interaction with actors from these areas as an important social task and third mission in addition to research and teaching. " - Preamble of the Transfer strategy.
With its scientific achievements, Ilmenau University of Technology is established nationally and internationally as an excellent teaching and research institution. In specific fields of competence, both in basic and applied research, the university occupies recognized top positions.
The cooperation between industry and TU Ilmenau takes place on various levels. In addition to research services in direct customer order, a concrete contract research, cooperations in publicly or privately funded, national or international research projects are possible. It is a declared goal to consistently transfer the results of scientific research into economic use.
Cooperation with the TU Ilmenau
With the TU Ilmenau Transfer GmbH, the TU Ilmenau has created the framework conditions for further possibilities for the provision of research-related services as well as the economic exploitation of research results.
For economically oriented cooperation projects with companies, participations, training and contract work, preparations for spin-offs, etc., the TU Ilmenau offers its scientists the possibility of carrying out such projects via the TU Ilmenau Transfer GmbH.
PATON is responsible at TU Ilmenau for all activities related to inventions and property rights. PATON's services include the management and exploitation of TU Ilmenau's property rights as well as patent searches and further training measures for third parties.
The contact person for inventions at the TU Ilmenau is the property rights officer at PATON.
You can also use the Invention Store of the TechnologieAllianz, a nationwide network of patent, exploitation and technology transfer agencies. There you will find inventions of the TU Ilmenau for which we are looking for further exploitation opportunities: to the Invention Store
Ilmkubator - the start-up service of the TU Ilmenau raises awareness for the topic of entrepreneurship and supports those interested in starting a business at the TU Ilmenau together with regional and national partners in all phases of self-employment.