Research Service and Technology Transfer Unit

The Research Service and Technology Transfer Department reports to the Presidential Board of TU Ilmenau at the interfaces of science and transfer. Here you will find contact persons for questions concerning research cooperation with the TU Ilmenau, the research profile of this institution and the offered transfer services in society and industry.


TU Ilmenau

Ilmkubator Start-up Service

In cooperation with its partners, the Ilmkubator provides support in all phases of self-employment - regardless of whether there is only an idea, a concrete start-up project or the start-up process is already underway.

Further Information

PATON - National Patent Centre

Making information competently, quickly and comprehensively accessible is the aim of PATON | Landespatentzentrum Thüringen at Ilmenau University of Technology. For more than 25 years, the team of experts has been dealing with information and data processing in the fields of patents, trade marks and designs in research, teaching and practice.

Further Information

TU Ilmenau / D. Schauer

Further and continuing education - Central Institute for Education

The Central Institute for Education (ZIB) sees itself as a central service centre and works together with the institutes, departments and internal and external partners to make the university a place of lifelong learning. The ZIB supports the conception, implementation and coordination of internal, inter-faculty and inter-university continuing education measures and programs. The diverse spectrum of practical and application-oriented continuing education offers is aimed at companies, university employees and all interested parties who wish to deepen, expand or refresh their existing knowledge and skills in a targeted manner.

Further Information