Prof. Döring appointed to Advisory Board

Group Media Psychology supports „Länger besser leben“ Institute

The Group Media Psychology and Design at TU Ilmenau often deals in research and teaching with media-based health communication and technology-supported health promotion. For example, current studies and publications focus on the quality of the media coverage of child sexual abuse, the portrayal of alcohol and of contraceptive methods in social media, and the use of augmented reality systems and social robots to promote the social inclusion of older people.

In the field of health communication and health promotion, the group networks nationally and internationally in various ways. For example, Prof. Döring has now been appointed to the advisory board of the "Länger besser leben." [Live better for longer.] Institute of the Weserbergland University of Applied Sciences. Funded by the health insurance BKK24, the LBL Institute deals with the topics of prevention and health promotion. The aim of the institute is to develop and evaluate needs-based offers for prevention and health promotion.


Website of the LBL Institute