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Anzahl der Treffer: 2034
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Henkel, Sebastian; Schulze, Christian; Frank, Samson; Bliedtner, Jens; Rädlein, Edda
Experimental investigations on the manufacturing of fused silica freeform surfaces by means of fine and ultra-fine grinding. - In: Tenth European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing, (2023), 1275502, S. 1275502-1-1275502-9

The manufacturing of optical freeform surfaces offers a high potential for optical approaches in the future, since they can make new optical systems lighter and more compact or even enable completely new functions, compared to conventional optics. However, the expanded possibilities go hand in hand with higher complexity in production of freeforms for precision optical applications. This leads to high prices and long delivery times. This paper shows an approach to improve manufacturing of freeforms in small batch sizes with a high degree of customization, by a process chain consisting of (ultrasonic-assisted) pre- and fine grinding combined with ultra-fine grinding using resin bond tools. The process chain is suited for efficient fabrication of optical surfaces. A main focus of the experiments is on reduction of low- and mid-spatial frequency surface deviations, as well as surface roughness. Several different influencing factors in a 5-axis CNC grinding process of fused silica freeforms are investigated and their effects on the resulting surface topography (from the low to the high frequency range of surface deviations) are observed using white light interferometry measurement principles. Various optimization approaches can be concluded.

Hossain, Mohammad Mobassar; Schlag, Leslie; Wolz, Benedikt; Ziegler, Mario; Nahrstedt, Helene; Reichel, Helene; Pezoldt, Jörg; Jacobs, Heiko O.
Ruthenium and rhodium vertical interconnect formation using gas phase electrodeposition. - In: 2023 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC) and IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (MAM) (IITC/MAM), (2023), insges. 3 S.

This paper presents localized gas phase electrodeposition of ruthenium (Ru) and rhodium (Rh) species into vertical interconnects. A spark discharge generates gas ions and charged species of the desired metal, which are transported by a gas flow and form a plasma jet. Prior lateral nano-bridge growth is further developed and enables the localized metal species deposition into vertical interconnect openings. This approach is additive and saves rare materials during processing. The process allows precise adjustment of the diameter, airgap size, and top finishing bump of the vertical interconnect.

Mathew, Sobin; Abedin, Saadman; Kurtash, Vladislav; Lebedev, Sergei P.; Lebedev, Alexander A.; Hähnlein, Bernd; Stauffenberg, Jaqueline; Jacobs, Heiko O.; Pezoldt, Jörg
Evaluation of hysteresis response in achiral edges of graphene nanoribbons on semi-insulating SiC. - In: Materials science forum, ISSN 1662-9752, Bd. 1089 (2023), S. 15-22

Hysteresis response of epitaxially grown graphene nanoribbons devices on semi-insulating 4H-SiC in the armchair and zigzag directions is evaluated and studied. The influence of the orientation of fabrication and dimensions of graphene nanoribbons on the hysteresis effect reveals the metallic and semiconducting nature graphene nanoribbons. The hysteresis response of armchair based graphene nanoribbon side gate and top gated devices implies the influence of gate field electric strength and the contribution of surface traps, adsorbents, and initial defects on graphene as the primary sources of hysteresis. Additionally, passivation with AlOx and top gate modulation decreased the hysteresis and improved the current-voltage characteristics.

Richter, Bastian; Neitzel, Benedikt; Puch, Florian
Extrusion as an energy-efficient manufacturing process for thermoplastic organosheets. - In: Sheet Metal 2023, (2023), 43, S. 345-352

Organosheets combine the advantages of reinforcement fibers and thermoplastic polymers. By pairing these two materials, composites with outstanding mechanical properties and low densities can be produced. These semi-finished products can be further processed into complex and functionalized components by thermoforming or injection molding. There are a number of different manufacturing processes for continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRT), however, most of them require long production times and recurrent melting of the polymer resulting in high energy and manufacturing costs. This study presents a novel extrusion process, that enables a continuous production of reinforced thermoplastic sheets with only one melting step. Due to the high energy efficiency and wide range of processible materials, this process shows a high potential for an economical production of CFRT. To investigate the extrusion process in more detail, the influence of the processing and the flow behavior of the polymer on the impregnation quality and the mechanical properties of the composites were studied. The results showed increasing fiber volume contents with lower polymer viscosities. Furthermore, higher die temperatures and pressures resulted in higher fiber volume contents and thus in higher mechanical properties. The experiments also revealed that a complete impregnation can currently not be achieved without an additional small double belt press due to the line load of the calender, the high viscosity of the melt and the short impregnation time.

Wöste, Andreas; Hergert, Germann; Silies, Martin; Wang, Dong; Groß, Petra; Lienau, Christoph
Photon-induced near-field interaction in ultrafast low energy electron microscopy. - [Washington, D.C., USA] : Optica Publishing Group. - 1 Online-Ressource (Paper Tu3A.5)

We report the first observation of optical near-field coupling to an ultrafast wavepacket of free, low-energy electrons. Transient optical near-fields, highly spatially confined around a nanometer-sized Yagi-Uda-antenna are probed in a point-projection-microscope with 30-fs resolution.

Najeeb, Mussab; Schwalbe, Ulf
Monitoring considerations of second life lithium ion batteries in battery energy storage systems. - In: PCIM Europe 2022, (2022), S. 1905-1914

This paper presents an analytical study of the most important technical aspects that should be considered in the methodologies for monitoring second-life lithium-ion batteries in stationary energy storage systems. The study is based, on one hand, on the specificity of these batteries in terms of changing their response differently in the second-life than in the first to external and operational influences. On the other hand, it is based on the monitoring requirements of storage systems to obtain an improved monitoring system with sufficient accuracy and more efficient performance of batteries in their second-life.

Najeeb, Mussab; Schwalbe, Ulf
Incorporating state of charge estimation methods towards more accurate monitoring of second-life lithium-ion batteries. - In: 2022 13th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), (2022), insges. 6 S.

Although several methods are developed for estimating the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries, there is still a challenge regarding monitoring the second life of these batteries due to the expected difference in the behavior and operating conditions in their second life. Considering that each method has its advantages and disadvantages according to the application and operating conditions, and monitoring the batteries in their second life is of special importance because it is required to integrate with the battery management system to balance cells, diagnose faults and prevent overheating. Therefore, the estimation method developed in this study, by incorporating artificial neural network method and Kalman filter method with fine-tuning of the filtering process using Coulomb counting, provides a solution for more accurate online monitoring of these batteries. Aiming to get the best possible performance, considering the specificity of the second life of the batteries in terms of operating voltage, low values of expected capacity, discharge ratio and other operational parameters.

Endrikat, Anna; Eggert, Lara; Di Maglie, Alex; Neumann, Tom; Goldstein, Max; Attenberger, Klaus; Bouhrouch, Dalal; Schlosser, Michel; Bund, Andreas
Innovation processing of circuit boards with FDM printing and selective electrochemical metallization. - In: Meeting abstracts, ISSN 2151-2043, Bd. MA2022-01 (2022), 57, 2369

Kadiâc, Samir; Takana, Pavel; Dreschmann, Michael; Buck, Thomas; Dörr, Aaron; Serout, Anne; Hoffmann, Jochen; Strehle, Steffen; Lärmer, Franz
Precision meets high throughput - contactless single-cell sorting using an electrically passive microwell array. - In: 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2021), (2022), S. 135-136

Modern dielectrophoresis (DEP)-based microchips permit the isolation of pure single cells from heterogeneous cell mixtures. However, sorting throughputs and sample loading capacities are limited and active on-chip circuitry keeps the costs per sorted cell comparatively high. To overcome these problems, we have developed a novel DEP sorter consisting of a three-metal-layer microwell array. The entirely passive architecture of our device allows for inexpensive fabrication and universal sample input volumes. Nonetheless, experimental results revealed that our prototype exceeds the sorting speed of commercially available DEP sorters by at least one order of magnitude while maintaining single-cell precision and avoiding physical cell contact.

Azizy, Raschid; König, Jörg; Bucklitsch, Paul; Schreier, David; Günther-Müller, Sarah; Wedrich, Karin; Weigel, Christoph; Cierpka, Christian; Strehle, Steffen
Fertigung magneto-mikrofluidischer Mikropumpen durch Kombination von Glas, Trockenfilm-Resist und 3D-Druck. - In: Mikrosystemtechnik, (2022), S. 69-72