Jonas Kirchhoff

Jonas Kirchhoff, M. Sc.

Weimarer Str. 25
Curiebau, Raum C 230
98693 Ilmenau


+49 3677 69-3254

Journal Publications
  • A. Ilchmann, J. Kirchhoff, M. Schaller: Port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems are relative generically controllable and stabilizable, MCSS (2024) online publiziert

  • J. Kirchhoff: Generic observability for port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems, MCSS (2024) online publiziert

  • A. Ilchmann, J. Kirchhoff: Relative genericity of controllablity and stabilizability for differential-algebraic systems MCSS (2023) 35:45-76

  • J. Kirchhoff: Linear port-Hamiltonian systems are generically controllable, IEEE TAC (2022) 67(6):3220-3222

  • A. Ilchmann, J. Kirchhoff: Differential-algebraic systems are generically controllable and stabilizable, MCSS (2021) 33:359-377

Conference Publications
  • J. Kirchhoff: A behavioural approach to port-controlled systems, 4th IFAC Conference of Modelling, Identification and Control of nonlinear systems

  • J. Kirchhoff, B. Maschke: Remarks on the geometric structure of port-Hamiltonian systems, 8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non-Linear Control

  • J. Kirchhoff, B. Maschke: Port maps of irreversible port Hamiltonian systems, 22nd IFAC World Congress

  • J. Kirchhoff, B. Maschke: On the generating functions of irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems, 22nd IFAC World Congres

  • geometric structure of port-Hamiltonian systems
  • port-controlled models for thermodynamics
  • graded differential geometry