Publikationen der Fakultät ab 2015

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Weyand, Joachim;
Persönlichkeits-, Personalakten- und Datenschutz. - In: Praxishandbuch Arbeitsrecht, 2015, Teil 6, Kapitel 11, insges. 68 S.
140. Aktualisierungs- und Ergänzungslieferung Juni 2015

Weyand, Joachim;
Sonderformen des Arbeitsentgelts. - In: Praxishandbuch Arbeitsrecht, 2015, Teil 6, Kapitel 4, insges. 64 S.
140. Aktualisierungs- und Ergänzungslieferung Juni 2015

Weyand, Joachim;
Anwendungsprobleme des Mindestlohngesetzes (MiLoG). - In: Praxishandbuch Arbeitsrecht, 2015, Teil 2, Kapitel 2, S.1-110
139. Aktualisierungs- und Ergänzungslieferung April 2015

Nissen, Volker; Rennenkampff, Alexander
Measuring and managing IT agility as a strategic resource - examining the IT application systems landscape. - In: Prikladnaja informatika, ISSN 1993-8314, Bd. 10.2015, 6 (60), S. 5-30

Stelzer, Dirk;
Business informatics: characteristics, challenges and opportunities from a German perspective. - In: Prikladnaja informatika, ISSN 1993-8314, Bd. 10.2015, 6 (60), S. 31-47

Auer, Claudia; Srugies, Alice; Löffelholz, Martin
Schlüsselbegriffe der internationalen Diskussion - Public Diplomacy und Soft Power. - In: Kultur und Außenpolitik, (2015), S. 39-46

Weyand, Joachim; Vogel, Anne
Die Beschäftigung von Migranten, Flüchtlingen und sonstigen ausländischen Mitarbeitern : Ausländerrecht, Arbeitsrecht und Sozialrecht. - Köln : Deubner Recht und Praxis, 2015. - 96 Seiten. - (Spezialreport)
Groß, Horst-Michael; Müller, Steffen; Schröter, Christof; Volkhardt, Michael; Scheidig, Andrea; Debes, Klaus; Richter, Katja; Döring, Nicola
Robot companion for domestic health assistance: implementation, test and case study under everyday conditions in private apartments. - In: 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), (2015), S. 5992-5999

This paper presents the implementation and evaluation results of the German research project SERROGA (2012 till mid 2015), which aimed at developing a robot companion for domestic health assistance for older people that helps keeping them physically and mentally fit to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as possible. The paper gives an overview of the developed companion robot, its system architecture, and essential skills, behaviors, and services required for a robotic health assistant. Moreover, it presents a new approach allowing a quantitative description and assessment of the navigation complexity of apartments to make them objectively comparable for function tests under real-life conditions. Based on this approach, the results of function tests executed in 12 apartments of project staff and seniors are described. Furthermore, the paper presents findings of a case study conducted with nine seniors (aged 68-92) in their own homes, investigating both instrumental and social-emotional functions of a robotic health assistant. The robot accompanied the seniors in their homes for up to three days assisting with tasks of their daily schedule and health care, without any supervising person being present on-site. Results revealed that the seniors appreciated the robot's health-related instrumental functions and even built emotional bonds with it.
Raskovic, Matevz; Geigenmüller, Anja; Marinšek, Denis
Customer attractiveness and supplier choice: an empirical investigation in professional services. - In: Collaboration in research, (2015), insges. 2 S.

In order to sustain their competitiveness, buyers need to understand how to obtain the best resources from their suppliers. Investigating buyer-supplier relationships in professional services with Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and OLS regression, this paper explores effects of customer attractiveness on service provider satisfaction and a service providers willingness to select a customer as preferred partner. By providing empirical insights, this paper supports and extends prior and mainly conceptual studies that postulate positive relationships between customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction, and preferred customer status. The results indicate that customer attractiveness is a more effective predictor of preferred customer status than of service provider satisfaction.

Geigenmüller, Anja; Lenk, Kristin; Lohmann, Stefanie; Leischnig, Alexander
How to elicit customer participation behavior during service encoun-ters: an empirical investigation. - In: Collaboration in research, (2015), insges. 8 S.

While the service literature repeatedly emphasizes the critical role of customer participation during service interactions, studies on relevant behaviors are scarce. This study defines and conceptualizes customer participation behavior as a multidimensional construct and empirically investigates the relationship between customers' assessment of service interactions and customer participation behavior. A quantitative study reveals that customer participation behavior is elicited by customers' assessment of quality of and their satisfaction with their interactions with service employees. From these empirical results, the authors derive implications how to manage customer participation behaviors during service encounters. The paper concludes with avenues for future research.