Is open access disrupting the journal business? : a perspective from comparing full adopters, partial adopters, and non-adopters. - In: Journal of informetrics, ISSN 1751-1577, Bd. 18 (2024), 4, 101574, S. 1-14
Two decades after the inception of open access publishing (OA), its impact has remained a focal point in academic discourse. This study adopted a disruptive innovation framework to examine OA's influence on the traditional subscription market. It assesses the market power of gold journals (OA full adopters) in comparison with hybrid journals and closed-access journals (partial adopters and non-adopters). Additionally, it contrasts the market power between hybrid journals (partial adopters) and closed-access journals (non-adopters). Using the Lerner index to measure market power through price elasticity of demand, this study employs difference tests and multiple regressions. These findings indicate that OA full adopters disrupt the market power of non-adopting incumbents. However, by integrating the OA option into their business models, partial adopters can effectively mitigate this disruption and expand their influence from the traditional subscription market to the emerging OA paradigm.
How market conditions affect new ventures' propensity to engage in category spanning. - In: Strategic Organization, ISSN 1741-315X, Bd. 22 (2024), 3, S. 464-494
In our study, we examine how category density affects entrepreneurs? propensity to engage in category spanning, and investigate the moderating effects of category fuzziness, regional density, and the number of entrants in a system of categories. We test our hypotheses by focusing on 3707 bands in the British metal music industry. Our findings indicate that increased category density reduces the degree of category spanning, but this effect is attenuated by increased category fuzziness and an increase in the number of new ventures founded in the same market. Regional density has no moderating effect, but its positive main effect points to the independence of the effects of categorical and regional density on category spanning. Our findings facilitate theory building regarding the antecedents of category spanning and the evolution of the categorical system of markets.
An explanation user interface for a knowledge graph-based XAI approach to process analysis. - In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops, (2024), S. 72-84
In consulting practice, effective use of AI technologies presupposes consultant’s and client’s ability to understand generated results. Our knowledge graph-based approach to explainable process analyses represents a hybrid AI approach that integrates symbolic approaches of structured knowledge and interactive machine learning methods for making algorithmic procedures traceable and representing analysis results in a human-readable form. In order to display identified weaknesses and suitable improvement measures of analyzed business processes in a user-understandable way and to enable human-in-the-loop interactions, an explainable, user-friendly interface is required. While much attention is paid to the computational aspects of generating explanations, there is a need for further research into the design of explanation user interfaces. A systematic literature review was conducted to derive a design catalog, which was demonstrated and evaluated by developing a suitable XUI for our knowledge graph-based explainable process analysis.
Wie man die Akzeptanz nachhaltiger Prozesse messen und erhöhen kann. - In: Sustainable Service Management, (2024), S. 427-464
Wiederholt wurde festgestellt, dass soziale Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit bisher vernachlässigt sind. Ein wichtiger Teilaspekt betrifft die Akzeptanz für nachhaltige Lösungen, wobei in Unternehmen Geschäftsprozesse eine herausragende Rolle spielen. Daher identifiziert unsere Forschung Faktoren, die Prozessakzeptanz beeinflussen. Dazu wurde ein Einkaufsprozess so implementiert, dass er online durch Teilnehmer ausführbar ist. Die Studien zeigen, dass ein Online-Experiment mit mehreren Hundert Teilnehmern in kurzer Zeit weltweit durchgeführt werden kann und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse liefert.
Nachhaltigkeitsbewusstsein von Dienstleistungskunden und individuelles Kognitionsbedürfnis - ein Forschungsmodell. - In: Sustainable Service Management, (2024), S. 171-187
Die Entwicklung und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Dienstleistungen gilt als eines der prioritären Forschungsfelder des Dienstleistungsmarketings. Allerdings ist es gerade für Dienstleistungsunternehmen deutlich herausfordernder, ihre Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen gegenüber Kunden zu vermitteln. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern das individuelle Kognitionsbedürfnis von Nachfragern die Auseinandersetzung mit Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten im Dienstleistungskontext beeinflusst. Der Beitrag entwickelt ein konzeptionelles Modell, zugehörige Hypothesen und Implikationen für die weiterführende Forschung.
Price effects of horizontal mergers : a retrospective on retrospectives. - In: Journal of competition law & economics, ISSN 1744-6422, Bd. 20 (2024), 1/2, S. 155-179
This comprehensive review of ex post merger studies assesses the price effects of horizontal transactions to determine whether there are common post-merger price effects, both overall and in specific markets. The aim is to derive implications for policy makers and competition authorities in terms of effective merger enforcement and competition policy. By combining and further analysing the results of 52 retrospective studies on 82 mergers or horizontal transactions, it can be shown that the sector in which the respective transaction takes place alone is not a strong indicator of the direction of price-related merger effects. In contrast, the ‘size’ or ‘importance’ of a transaction as well as market concentration seem to be correlated with post-transaction price increases, especially in already highly concentrated markets. Overall, this meta-study shows the importance of ex post case studies for improving ex ante merger control: although generalizations can only be made with caution, the subsequent analysis of a case and its ex post observable outcome can provide useful information for future merger enforcement in general, either in the same industry and/or with similar case characteristics, as well as for competition policy regulators.
Frame building on climate change in Indonesia : framework and summary. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (70 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024
Besteht aus Zusammenfassungen der Publikationen
Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Prozess der frame-building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien, einer aufstrebenden Nation des Globalen Südens, die erheblich zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beiträgt und stark von der Klimakrise betroffen ist. Anhand einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Pressemitteilungen der indonesischen Regierung und von Umwelt-NGOs sowie der Medienberichterstattung über den Klimawandel ermittelt die Studie, welche Art von Frames die politischen Akteure nutzen und welche Frames die Print- und Online-Medien in Indonesien verwenden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde der Ansatz der Process tracing approach verwendet. Durch den Vergleich der strategischen Frames der Akteure und der Medien-Frames zum Klimawandel zeigt sich, dass Journalisten häufig Frames zum Klimawandel verwenden, die nicht von politischen Akteuren oder NGOs gefördert werden. Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Pressemitteilungen der Regierung die einflussreichsten Quellen für Journalisten in ihrer Berichterstattung über den Klimawandel. Die Studie untersucht außerdem, wie unterschiedliche Kontextbedingungen die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Journalisten und ihren Quellen im Entstehungsprozess von Frames beeinflussen. Die Studie stützt sich auf die Modelle der Einflusshierarchie (HI) und der Intereffikation (IE), um diese Dynamik zu ergründen. Es wurden Interviews mit Journalisten, Wissenschaftlern und PR-Verantwortlichen von Regierungsorganisationen, Umwelt-NGOs und Palmöl-Lobbygruppen in Indonesien durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Organisationsstruktur, die finanziellen Ressourcen und die persönlichen Netzwerke einen Einfluss darauf haben, wie erfolgreich PR-Verantwortliche ihre Frames verbreiten, während die Auswahl der Frames durch die Medienplattform, den internationalen Nachrichtenfluss, die Routine, die Berufserfahrung und die Interessen der Journalisten beeinflusst werden. Darüber hinaus untersucht die Studie, wie Faktoren auf der Makroebene in Indonesien, wie das soziale System und der spezifische kulturelle und historische Kontext, diese Prozesse auf der Mikro- und Mesoebene beeinflussen.
Der Prozess des Frame-Building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien :
The process of frame-building regarding climate change in Indonesia. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 2, S. 125-185
This study examines the frame-building process regarding climate change in Indonesia, an emerging country in the Global South that produces significant carbon emissions and is one of the nations most affected by the climate crisis. Through a quantitative content analysis of press releases from the Indonesian government and environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and media coverage of climate change, this study identifies three frames promoted by policy actors and five frames used by in-house journalists from print and online media organizations in Indonesia. A comparison of these frame sets shows that journalists often use frames on climate change that are not promoted by either political actors or NGOs. Nevertheless, the government is the most important source for journalists on climate change reporting. Next, a second step investigates how different contextual conditions influence the collaboration between journalists and their sources in the frame-creation process to examine it in more detail. Hence, this study relies on the hierarchy of influence (HI) and intereffication (IE) models. To this end, journalists, academics, and PR officers from Indonesia’s government organizations, environmental NGOs, and palm oil lobby organizations are interviewed. The results show that organizational structure, financial resources, and personal networks influence how successfully PR officers disseminate their frames, while journalists’ frame selection is influenced by their media affiliations, routines, professional experience, and interests. This study also discusses how macro conditions in Indonesia influence these micro- and meso-level processes, such as the social system and distinct cultural and historical contexts.
Work-in-progress: older adults' experiences with an augmented reality communication system. - In: IMX 2024, (2024), S. 282-387
Given the profound impact of staying socially connected on the well-being of older adults, this study explores the potential of augmented reality (AR) systems to enrich their social lives. A wearable AR communication system prototype was developed and tested in a user study involving N = 16 older adults from Germany. Participants wore an AR headset and engaged in a conversation task with a remote person represented by an avatar. Older adults’ experiences were assessed using think-aloud protocols, qualitative observations, posttest questionnaires, and semi-structured oral interviews. Preliminary findings indicate overall participant satisfaction, with minimal observed difficulties in headset usage and avatar-mediated interpersonal communication. The positive engagement during AR conversations highlights the system’s potential to provide positive communication experiences among older individuals. This work-in-progress paper introduces the developed system prototype and outlines the conducted user study. Further data analyses will provide deeper insights into older adults’ experiences with the system. The results will contribute to refining the prototype and offer valuable insights for the development of AR communication systems tailored to the needs and preferences of older adults.
Advancing sustainable industrial development in Africa: the role of institutional quality and renewable energy. - In: Environment, development and sustainability, ISSN 1573-2975, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 27 S.
Industrial development has unarguably created economic benefits that could drive structural economic transformation but its associated environmental consequences undermine sustainable development. Thus, African countries constantly face balancing industrial progress with environmental sustainability. We, therefore, evaluated whether sustainable industrial development is feasible in Africa and accounted for the role of institutional quality and renewable energy in achieving this feat. Using the feasible generalized least square estimator to analyse relevant data of 46 African countries spanning 2000-2021, we found that (i) Africa is yet to achieve sustainable industrial development; (ii) weak institutional quality impedes the attainment of sustainable industrial development in Africa, although the effects depend on the measure of institutional quality; and (iii) renewable energy considerably improves the prospects of achieving sustainable industrial development in Africa. Thus, implementing a holistic and integrated approach that combines efforts to reduce industrial environmental impact, promote renewable energy, and enhance institutional quality can yield synergistic effects and contribute to more sustainable industrial development in Africa.