
21. Thuringian Materials Day

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Tu. 14.03.2023
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Schüler*innen der Klassen 10-12

Students and young scientists meet research and industry

When the 21st Thuringian Materials Day takes place at TU Ilmenau on March 14, young people will also be invited alongside the specialist audience. Pupils in grades 10 to 12 can find out about the theme of the Materials Day "Materials in the circular economy and energy transition" in specialist lectures, workshops and a scientific exhibition.

Registrations by March 3: zukunft@tu-ilmenau.de


Preliminary program for students

09:00 Welcome and introduction: Dr. Katja Böhler Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Science and Digital Society, N. N. TU Ilmenau, Prof. Dr. Florian Puch TU Ilmenau
09:15 Workshop Circular Economy Insight into the circular economy through presentations, discussions and hands-on stations for interested students in grades 10-12/13.
09:45 Workshop on the circular economy Insight into the circular economy through presentations, discussions and hands-on stations for interested students in grades 10-12/13
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Poster pitch: short presentation of the posters
12:15 Lunch break and visit of the poster and industry exhibition
13:45h Materials from cellulose - bio-based, environmentally friendly, recyclable and versatile Prof. Dr. Thomas Heinze Institute for Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena Dr. Frank Wendler Thuringian Institute for Textile and Plastics Research e.V. and smartpolymer GmbH
14:15 Visit to the industrial exhibition
15:15 Plenum discussion and exchange of opinions
15:45 Award ceremony
16:00 End of the event