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If you would like to study abroad but are still undecided, find out more about an Erasmus study visit and secure a place at one of our many Erasmus partner universities, including an Erasmus mobility grant, and spend the winter semester 23/24 or summer semester 24 abroad!
Discover Europe with Erasmus! Your advantages: + no tuition fees at the host institution + stay in different European countries possible + financial support through mobility grant (490 to 600 €/month) + further grants (e.g. for "green travel") possible + simplified recognition of achievements abroad What are you waiting for? Secure your Erasmus place at your favorite institution incl. financial support now and experience an unforgettable semester abroad! Inform yourself about the possible institutions on our website and contact us if you are interested! We have a limited number of places available for all institutions, so it pays to be quick.
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact: Franziska Albrecht PS: Do you already know the Instagram channel tu.ilmenau_abroad? Follow us for more information about programs, scholarships, testimonials and much more!