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The lecture series, which has been expanded in content and deepened in practice compared to the previous year, takes place on Mondays from 3.00 to 4.30 pm in Humboldtbau room 211/212 . It is open to students of all degree courses. Interested pupils and guests are also welcome to attend the lecture on site.
15.04.2024 Introduction (Prof. Florian Puch/Plastics Technology Group, Prof. Stephan Husung/Product and Systems Engineering Group)
22.04.2024 Matter and Energy (Jun.-Prof. Robert Geitner/Group of Physical Chemistry)
29.04.2024 Strategies for the circular economy: glass materials and products (Prof. Edda Rädlein/ Group for Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials)
06.05.2024 Circular Steel: the 4R concept (Priv.-Doz. Dr. Günther Lange/Department of Metallic Materials and Composites)
13.05.2024 Plastics in the circular economy (Prof. Florian Puch/Plastics Technology Group)
27.05.2024 Circular economy in the mobility sector (Prof. Thomas Bachmann/Automotive Engineering Group)
03.06.2024 Excursion to LRP-Autorecycling Leipzig GmbH, Krostritz, organized by the Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilität (ThIMo)
10.06.2024 Systematic development of recyclable products (Prof. Stephan Husung/Product and System Engineering Group)
17.06.2024 Circular economy in the electrical and electronics industry (Prof. Jens Müller/Electronics Technology Group)
24.06.2024 Cycles for disposable and reusable packaging: a socio-economic analysis (Prof. Rainer Souren/Group for Sustainable Production and Logistics Management)
01.07.2024 Sharing - A difficult to grasp concept of avoidance-oriented product use (Prof. Rainer Souren/Group for Sustainable Production and Logistics Management)
08.07.2024 Communication about and for the circular economy (Prof. Jens Wolling/Group for Media Research and Political Communication)
15.07.2024 Final discussion
Registration for the excursion:
Access for online participation:
Pupils who would like to take part in the lecture series online should register by email at with the following details in order ro receive the participation link by e-mail: Surname, first name, school, class.
Prof. Florian Puch
Head of the Plastics Technology Group
+49 3677 69-2450