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If you are staying here in Germany with your family, you are entitled to parental allowance (Elterngeld) under certain conditions. You can find an overview of this information here.


Citizens of EU countries, Switzerland and the European Economic Area

Foreigners who are entitled to freedom of movement (usually citizens of EU countries, Switzerland and the European Economic Area) are entitled to parental allowance if

  • they are employed as an employee
  • are gainfully employed as a self-employed person,
  • provide services,
  • were formerly gainfully employed here and now have the right to remain here after they have finished their gainful employment.

Citizens from non-EU countries

Foreign citizens from non-EU countries (with the exception of Switzerland) have a claim if their stay and access to the labour market is likely to be permanent:

  • Those who have a settlement permit meet these requirements without further ado.
  • Anyone who has aresidence permit can only meet these eligibility requirements if he or she is also entitled to gainful employment in Germany and has already worked here. Only after a stay in Germany of three years and the existence of an employment relationship or receipt of unemployment benefits can receive parental allowance who:
    • a residence permit, in cases of hardship, for temporary protection,
    • in case of suspension of deportation or
    • because of the existence of obstacles to departure.

No parental allowance is paid to foreign parents

  • who hold a residence permit for the purpose of education (§§ 16, 17 AufenthG).
  • who have a work permit for a maximum period only (§ 18 Para. 2 AufenthG)
  • who have a residence permit because of a war in their home country (§ 23 Para. 1 AufenthG; see exception below)
  • who have a residence permit in cases of hardship (§ 23a Residence Act; see exception below)
  • who have a residence permit for temporary protection (§ 24 AufenthG; see exception below)
  • who hold a residence permit in the event of suspension of deportation or due to the existence of obstacles to departure (section 25 (3), (4) and (5) of the Residence Act) (see exception below)
  • who possess a residence permit in accordance with § 104 a.

In the case of these persons, a temporary stay is assumed by law, as in the case of persons who have a residence permit as asylum seekers or who are only staying in the Federal territory on a tolerated basis. In these cases, even permitted employment does not lead to an entitlement to parental allowance.



1. foreigners in possession of a residence permit in cases of hardship, for temporary protection, in the event of suspension of deportation or due to the existence of obstacles to departure (§§ 23 Para. 1, § 23 a AufenthG, § 24 AufenthG, § 25 Paras. 3, 4 and 5 AufenthG) may receive parental allowance if they have been resident in the Federal territory for at least three years and

  • are legitimately gainfully employed in the Federal territory, or
  • receive current cash benefits in accordance with SGB III (unemployment benefit), or
  • are taking parental leave.

Special regulations apply to nationals of Turkey, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as association agreements exist here. If you are an employee, you can also be entitled to parental allowance with any residence permit, toleration or residence permit. This means that you must be compulsorily or voluntarily (further) insured in at least one social insurance system - e.g. accident insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance or pension insurance, e.g. due to recognition of child-raising periods in accordance with § 56 SGB VI).


Amount of support

The parental allowance is income-dependent and amounts to 67% of the net income of the last 12 months before the birth, up to a maximum of € 1,800, but at least € 300 per month. There are some special regulations regarding the exact amount of the parental allowance, which you can find out from the relevant authority.

Parental allowance is paid to one parent for at least 12 months of the child's life. The partner is entitled to a further two months (12 + 2), e.g. fathers' months. It is also possible for both parents to receive seven months of parental benefit each to use up their entitlement of 14 months. Single parents are entitled to 14 months of parental allowance.

Related informations about the topic Parental allowance in Germany

  • A service of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth