“Neuroimaging beyond the individual - Monitoring interacting human brains”

For registration please send an e-mail with the following contact data: first name, last name, position (e.g. PhD student), Institution with address, telephone, and e-mail to Gabriela Hey. Please also state the desired participation (on-site or remotely/online) and if you are a member of the EMBRACE project.


In response, you will receive a registration number and the payment details. The preliminary registration secures you a place on the list for four weeks, within which you should transfer the money. Registration becomes valid upon reception of the fee. Refund of the registration fee will be given upon cancellation before July 31st 2020.

Please make sure to state your registration number as reason of payment!


On-site participation: 200 Euro including tuition, lunch, coffee breaks and social program.
Remotely/Online participation: 100 Euro including tuition


Please book accommodation yourself. Leipzig provides a larger range of possible accommodation options.