
2 February: TU Ilmenau Children's and Youth University - Register now!

Das Maskottchen der Kinder- und Jugenduni der TU Ilmenau „Juhu“ mit einigen Besuchern, die ein Selfie machenTU Ilmenau/Dino Junski
The mascot of the Children's and Youth University of the TU Ilmenau "Juhu"

On February 2, the Technische Universität Ilmenau will open its doors for the first time for the Children's and Youth University. After the children last fall, young people in grades 10 to 12 with a thirst for knowledge can now follow exciting lectures on science, technology and media at the end of the first half of the school year. Anyone who would like to get a taste of real university life on the TU Ilmenau campus in the winter semester 2023/24 - whether whole school classes or individual young people - can register online untilJanuary 12 to register online: www.tu-ilmenau.de/kju

The lectures at the Children's and Youth University on science, technology and media all focus on the highly topical subject of sustainability. Professors from TU Ilmenau design them in such a way that they tie in with the level of knowledge and living environment of young people.

Prof. Timo Reis' lecture is about mathematics in control and regulation technology, which is important in medical technology, for example, or for setting the optimum temperature in a room. And Prof. Andreas Möckel will provide the young people with interesting information about the development of modern machines with their countless variants and explain the role that artificial intelligence plays today. The young people can therefore expect exciting practical fun rather than dull theory.

In addition to the lectures, the program includes experiments, lab tours and escape games of the and, of course, lunch in the canteen. Throughout the day, the young people can talk to students from TU Ilmenau and learn a lot about everyday life at university.



Jenny Gramsch
Marketing and Communication

+49 3677 69-3288