
From the "Last Dances" via the Discoveries to New Patterns - Changing of the Guard in Contemporary German Literature

TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus

Topic:          From the "Last Dances" via the Discoveries to New Patterns. Changing of the Guard in Contemporary German Literature

Speaker:     Prof. Dr. Ilse Nagelschmidt, University of Leipzig, Head of the Group of Modern German Literary Studies

Time:           Friday, 04.11.2022, 3:00 p.m.

Place:          TU Ilmenau,Faraday Building, Weimarer Straße 32

Admission:  5 Euro


Based on the poetry collection "Letzte Tänze" (Last Dances) by Günter Grass, published in 2007, directsProf. Ilse Nagelschmidt, head of the Group of Modern German Literature at the University of Leipzig, will look at the situation of German-language literature in the 1990s between resignation, farewell and new beginnings. The first part of her lecture at the TU Ilmenau Citizens' Campus is marked by a great interest in the GDR and life in this country from an East German perspective. In the second part, Ilse Nagelschmidt shifts the focus to West German literature, before the synthesis takes place in the third part.

Today, as Prof. Ilse Nagelschmidt notes, the grandchild generation has broken with taboos. Gone are the days of intellectual top-heaviness. Aware of taking note of the views of the older generation, but not wanting or having to absorb them, and distrusting big ideas and ideologies, she recognizes their literary innovations.



Dr. Uwe Geishendorf
Central Institute for Education
+49 3677 69-4675