
Radio hsf starts summer semester

Germany's oldest student radio station from Ilmenau ends its break from broadcasting
zwei Studierende am Mikrofonhsf

When the new semester at the TU Ilmenau begins next Monday, the student radio hsf will also go on the air again. Every weekday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Radio hsf will broadcast live a self-produced programme. In various broadcasts, for example, music genres are presented, current topics are addressed or local and regional issues are dealt with. The programme is not only aimed at students, but also at the entire population of the Ilmenau region. Every evening, for example, there is the news at 7 p.m. - including regional news. The live broadcasts of the previous evening are repeated the next working day at lunchtime. In addition, the programme consists of music shuffles and takeovers of broadcasts from other citizen's radios in Thuringia.

One can receive the transmitter in the urban area of Ilmenau on the UKW frequency 98,1MHz or world-wide over the Livestream in the Internet. The access to it as well as the complete transmission plan one finds on the new Internet side of the association: www.radio-hsf.de.

Around 50 radio makers are involved in Radio hsf on a voluntary basis in addition to their studies. The hochschulfunk of the TU Ilmenau has been on the air since 1950 and has thus been broadcasting longer than ARD and ZDF. The "hsf Studentenradio e.V." as the supporting association celebrated its 30th anniversary last year.

The broadcast period in this summer semester goes from 04 April to 17 July 2022.



Nicklas Simon
Press contact radio hsf
