
A start-up forest for the TU Ilmenau: Successful first tree planting campaign by Ilmkubator and ThüringenForst

As part of Germany's Start-up Week, the Ilmkubator Start-up Service, together with ThüringenForst and the Ilmenau University of Technology, called for the planting of a start-up forest. Together with around 25 hard-working helpers, almost 1000 sycamore seedlings were planted on a slope directly above the entrance to Stützerbach on November 16. In doing so, the Ilmkubator start-up service is not only actively positioning itself for the preservation of our environment, but together with its partners is also sending a growing signal that Ilmenau and the surrounding area will remain an attractive and liveable (start-up) location in the future. After the work was done, all the helpers were given warm refreshments and the opportunity to get to know each other better and network in the Ilmkubator Finnhütten.

The tree planting campaign was part of a new cooperation between Ilmkubator (TU Ilmenau) and ThüringenForst. As part of this, further planting campaigns will be planned and implemented in the coming years. Not only members of the university, but also entrepreneurs, network partners of the start-up service and volunteers can provide support.

The next reforestation project is expected to take place in spring 2024. Until then, donations can still be sent to the Förderverein Biosphärenreservat Vessertal-Thüringer Wald e.V.: Simply transfer the desired amount with the reference "Gründungswald" to the association's account. The donations will be collected and used for the creation of the founding forest.