Placing a search order

If you would like to place a search order, you contact a staff member of the Group (Abteilung) for Search and Analysis. You can also use our forms for placing your order or for asking for an offer and then send them to us. After receiving the documents, we will contact you at once.

For specific and effective search execution, the following details are useful:

  • Textual description of the search subject
  • Search background: Patent literature, technical literature, economic information
  • Type of search: State of the art, monitoring search for novelties (SD), appeal search, patent families search with legal status, name search, citation search, FTO (freedom to operate), novelties/innovations, violation of property rights, statistical analysis
  • Scope of search: time and territorial restrictions
  • Terminology:  details about technical terms and their synonyms in English and German
  • Your level of knowledge: list of publications, companies, institutions, authors and/or inventors you know about; IPC notations (for patent search)
  • Search limitation: list of subjects and topics based in the direct environment of the search but not being applicable

Users from business and industry


Users from the TU Ilmenau and other Thuringian universities


Terms and Conditions of PATON for research work (General Terms and Conditions)

  1. Based on the known and accessible data sources, PATON (contractor) provides information for the customer.
  2. The research request must be described as accurately as possible by the customer in the appropriate documents. Ambiguities shall be borne by the customer. The contractor is not liable for delays - especially for those which might have been caused by subsequently changed research orders or later specifications.
  3. The research request must be described as accurately as possible by the customer in the appropriate documents. Ambiguities shall be borne by the customer. The contractor is not liable for delays - especially for those which might have been caused by subsequently changed research orders or later specifications.
  4. The contractor exercises reasonable care when providing his services.
  5. Any liability of the contractor for damage incurred from inaccuracy relating to the content or incompleteness of the given information is limited to culpable behaviour (intent or gross negligence). Further claims are excluded.
  6. All search reports and any other documents are subject to copyright. Copying reports or other documents without the expressed authorization of the contractor is prohibited. Copyrights on search results which were obtained by searching databases, remain the property of the database provider whose written permission is required for copying or further publication.
  7. The contractor is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by database sources.