Introductory week for Master's students October 6 to 13, 2024

Hello and welcome to the Technische Universität Ilmenau!

Your studies begin with our introductory week - one week before lectures start. A week full of exciting events, information and many opportunities to make new friends!

We wish you a great start into your studies!


In addition to the program of the introductory week, the students of the ErstiWoche have planned numerous cultural and recreational events for you during this week. They serve to get to know the city, your fellow students and, of course, the university and campus. Fun and enjoyment are guaranteed!

Program of the introduction days for master students

The program will be published as soon as possible.

Program divided by faculty

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

(Degree programs: Communications and Signal Processing, Electrochemistry and Electroplating, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electrical Energy Systems, Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Media Engineering, Materials Science)

Faculty of Information Technology and Automation

(Degree programs: Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Research in Computer & System Engineering, Technical Cybernetics and Systems Theory)

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

(degree courses: Automotive Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Optical Systems Engineering)

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

(degree courses: Biotechnical Chemistry, Mathematics and Business Mathematics, Technical Physics, Regenerative Energy Technology)

Faculty of Business, Economics and Media

(Degree courses: Business Administration with a technical orientation, International Business Economic, Media and Communication Science, Media Economics, Business Informatics, Industrial Engineering)

Travel and arrival for international students

All information about your arrival in Ilmenau can be found at online

Semester Key Points

    October 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
    October 9, 2023 - February 2, 2024
    December 21, 2023 - January 3, 2024

Further deadlines and dates can be found here

    January 10 - January 17, 2024
    February 12 - March 24, 2024
    January 15 - February 2, 2024

Impressions of previous ErstiWochen