Exam review

Post-exam review for the Engineering Thermodynamics group are listed here.

Technische Thermodynamik (Monday 15.4. 14-15:30, Tuesday 16.4. 9:30-11:30, booking via Moodle, room M 408)

Mikrofluidik, Angewandte Wärmeübertragung (please contact your lecturer for appointments)

  • 03.07.2024
    Clemens Naumann, TU Ilmenau
    "Optical temperature field measurements with two-color laser induced fluorescence in a stratified thermal energy storage"
  • out of plan
    15.07.2024, 13 Uhr
    Vinodh Bandaru, IIT Guwahati
    "Relativistic electrons and MHD in tokamak plasmas"
  • 17.07.2024
    Prafulla Shevkar, TU Ilmenau
    "Effects of shear in turbulent convection"
  • 18.09.2024
    Niklas Komnick, TU Ilmenau
    Defense Bachelor Thesis
    "Identifikation und Konzeption von Wärmedämmung in E-Kfz am Beispiel des Ford Mustang MachE"
  • 15.10.2024
    Matti Ettel, TU Ilmenau
    Defense Master thesis
    "The impact of natural thermal boundary conditions on pattern formation in Rayleigh-Bénard convection"
  • 22.10.2024
    Cedric R. Kahnes, TU Ilmenau
    Defense Engineering internship
    "Numerical design and characterization of collector and distributor of a sCO2 heat exchanger"