How do I submit the abstracts?
The submission of abstracts is exclusively online and is possible by 31 January 2023. Please note the authors' guidelines

Is there a template for the abstract submission?
There is no template for the abstracts.

Which file format and file size are allowed for the abstracts?
Abstracts must be uploaded in pdf format and are limited to two pages.

Will my submitted abstract be evaluated?
The evaluation will be carried out in the period from 1 February to 21 March 2023 by the members of the Scientific Committee.

When will I be informed about the results of the review?
You will be notified of the results of the review by e-mail by 21 April 2023.

When submitting the final paper, what do I have to consider?
The upload for the final paper is possible in the period from 21 April to 30 June 2023. In addition, a short abstract with 1500 characters is required for the conference booklet. Uploading both files takes place in parallel and online. Please note the information

Is there a template for the final paper?
A template for the final paper is available here

Where can I get the URN number for my final paper?
The URN number will be inserted by the organizer.

Where will the final paper be published?
Every full papers/poster pitch contributions accepted which is discussed at the conference – are given the URN and will published after the conference online ( For the convenience of all participants all papers (oral papers and poster-pitch contributions) will be available as PDF files for download on our Website after the conference.

I'm a poster presenter. In which format do I have to create my poster?
For your poster presentation during the on-site poster sessions, a space of 70 cm wide and 100 cm height is available in the foyer of the conference building.
You also have the option of bringing your presentation (20-minute speaking time) and the content of your poster pitch (5-minute speaking time, without animated content) directly to the conference on a USB stick.

Is there a poster template for the on-site presentation?
A template file is provided here: Submission of full papers

Will the posters also be published in the proceedings?
Every poster pitch contributions accepted which is discussed at the conference – are given the URN and will published after the conference online ( For the convenience of all participants all Poster-Pitch contributions will be available as PDF files for download on our Website after the conference.

Where can I place my poster on site?
In the foyer of the Humboldt Building you will find a label on the poster panels indicating the session | ID number | Name of the author.

Do I have to bring fixing material with me?
Power strips are already attached to the poster panels.

Can I upload my final presentation in advance of the conference?
As a service for the preparation of your presentation and the poster-pitch contributions in the sessions, we can offer you the presentation upload via CONVERIA in advance by 1 September, 2023. Presentation services

Is there a notebook available for the conference to transfer my presentation?
Each conference room is equipped with a notebook and beamer. A technical chair is at your disposal for questions and the transfer of your presentation.