Gefährdungsatlas (“Risk Atlas”) 2022 on growing up digitally

Research results from Group Media Psychology included

The second, updated edition of the Gefährdungsatlas (“risk atlas”) was published in 2022 (first edition in 2019). This overview work, published by the Federal Center for Child and Youth Media Protection (BzKJ), addresses the risks and dangers to which children and young people are exposed to on the Internet. The perspective of child and youth media protection is combined with the perspective of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC). This results in the necessity to balance diverging interests of children: on the one hand it is about their right to be protected from risks and dangers, but on the other hand it is also about their right to empowerment and participation in digital media. Accordingly, one speaks of a modern "protection, empowerment and participation approach", which is also expressed in the new German Youth Protection Act (JuSchG).


For various topics relevant to risk and endangerment, such as excessive self-presentation (section 3.2.10), pornography (section 3.2.25), sexting (section 3.2.32) and exaggerated gender roles (section 3.2.41), the risk atlas includes research contributions from the group media psychology and media design at TU Ilmenau.


Gefährdungsatlas 2022 (German-language document)