Multiparty Augmented Reality Telepresence System

Project duration: 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2024

Funding body: kmu-innovativ (BMBF)

In the last few years, video conferencing in general and especially in the context of the Corona pandemic have experienced an unprecedented spread. It has been shown that many aspects of interpersonal communication are lost and at the same time a significantly increased cognitive load arises for the users. MULTIPARTIES therefore aims to develop novel, interactive technologies for the realization of collaborative telepresence systems in augmented reality (AR): Using realistic augmented reality avatars with expressive gestures and facial expressions in combination with spatial audio, the project creates a shared communication space. This gives participants the impression of being together in one place (telepresence and co-presence). The collaborative project also enables the intuitive use of body language and selective acoustic perception and communication. The success of MULTIPARTIES can be measured both by user-centered evaluation of the technologies and by comparison with other systems.

Project partners: Brandenburg Labs (project management), Plazz AG, Consensive GmbH and the groupss of the TU: Virtual Worlds and Digital Games (Prof. Wolfgang Broll), Audiovisual Technology (Prof. Alexander Raake), Electronic Media Technology (Dr. Stephan Werner)