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TU Ilmenau Service GmbH
Langewiesener Str. 22
K&B (left entrance)
98693 Ilmenau
Phone +49 3677 / 46999-0
Fax +49 3677 / 46999-99
TU Ilmenau Service GmbH offers prospective students the opportunity to prepare for engineering, science and mathematics studies at TU Ilmenau.
In September 2024, TU Ilmenau Service GmbH will once again offer preliminary courses for first-year students. Hereyou will find an overview of all courses offered preliminary courses for the WS 2024/2025.
Please use our practical conference booking systemto register for the preliminary courses in WS 24/25.
The personal data collected via the conference booking system is collected for the purpose of accounting, information transfer and organization and will be deleted after the end of the preliminary courses in accordance with the EU GDPR. By registering via the conference booking system and booking the pre-courses, you confirm that you have received all information in accordance with Art. 13 EU GD PR.
Even students with good grades in advanced mathematics and science courses often find it difficult to meet the requirements of the lectures. The preparatory courses help you to get off to a successful start and to compensate for the different levels of prior knowledge.
Our extensive range of short courses gives you the opportunity to refresh your knowledge and get started with the study methodology at a university. Especially for those who have interrupted their education after leaving school, the preliminary courses offer a good re-entry into the subject areas.
The preliminary courses take place over the entire period of 12-36 teaching units per subject. The courses can be booked individually and take place Monday to Friday mornings and afternoons in blocks of 4 teaching units. The teaching times are planned in such a way that three preliminary courses of 36 hours each (or several shorter ones) can be attended and there is an opportunity for self-study.