Skalenoptimale Konfiguration kreisangehöriger Gemeinden in Thüringen / Thiel, Frank

Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2021 - XVIII, 246 pp.

ISBN 978-3-86360-232-1
DOI 10.22032/dbt.46935
URN urn:nbn:de:gbv:ilm1-2020000542
Price (print edition): 22,90 €.

Thesis: Dissertation, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2020


In the discussion about municipal area reforms, it is repeatedly argued that economies of scale could be exploited through municipal mergers. Using county municipalities in Thuringia as an example, this thesis develops a concept for capturing municipal inputs and outputs and determines the scale-optimal configuration by means of a deterministic efficiency analysis. A quasi-experimental design is then used to investigate whether economies of scale actually exist and under which conditions they can be exploited. The results show that there is a scale-optimal range for county municipalities in Thuringia. Scale-optimally configured municipalities were able to achieve significant efficiency gains in the years following a merger. For all other mergers, no efficiency effect is detectable.

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