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Grosse, Karl W.; Hirte, Uwe; Brix, Torsten; Einicke, Frank; Hoffmann, Frank; Husung, Stephan; Flüggen, Folker
Hybrid teaching and learning environment in the context of virtual product development. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.052, S. 1-8

Product development means identifying the needs of different stakeholders, developing a product for them to the point where it is ready for production and use, and documenting it. To manage the complexity of product development, it is becoming increasingly digitalised. As virtual product development is a key area of industry, teaching in this area is an important component of a practice-oriented engineering curriculum. Engineering education constantly requires new teaching and learning formats. The trend is towards a systematic combination of digital teaching materials for self-organised individual and cooperative self-study on the one hand, and in-depth forms of classroom teaching tailored to the needs of students on the other - in short: hybrid forms of teaching and learning. Within the framework of an eTeach impulse project for a hybrid teaching and learning environment for virtual product development, important results have been developed, implemented and evaluated to achieve this goal.
Panusch, Felix; Brix, Torsten; Rienecker, Maik; Husung, Stephan
Systematization of existing uncertainties in the context of product development in the automotive supply industry. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.044, S. 1-18

Along the development process of technical products, challenges arise repeatedly, which result from uncertainties, i.e., conscious, or unconscious gaps in knowledge or definitions. The causes often lie in the fact that empirical values represent the basis for many decisions, from the specification of tasks to the required organizational and control structures to the models and calculation tools used. Based on this knowledge, it is essential to continuously identify, evaluate and, if necessary, reduce the degree of uncertainty during the development of innovative products. This is intended to avoid potentially negative influences on the strategic goals of the magic triangle of project management (costs, time, and quality). This is exactly where the investigations started, using the example of an automotive supplier company. Completed projects are the starting point. A first focus is on the analysis of the effects of unclearly defined requirements and ambiguities in verification, validation, and end customer use. A second focus is the systematization, classification up to the provision of project-specific tools, which should facilitate the reduction of uncertainties already in early project phases.
Faheem, Faizan; Li, Zirui; Husung, Stephan
Analysis of potential errors in technical products by combining knowledge graphs with MBSE approach. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.032, S. 1-15

Technical products are developed to meet the demands of stakeholders. Therefore, the product's functions and associated properties are important. Various influencing factors e.g., external disturbances can have an impact on the input flows of the products or its characteristics and thus on the functions. If this leads to deviations between the required and as-is functions, these deviations are called errors. It is therefore important to analyze errors in product development and implement measures to increase the robustness of the product. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) supports the development of complex systems. However, MBSE alone has limited ability to identify in-depth errors. This requires knowledge of possible errors from previous products in specific contexts. For this purpose, the method proposed in this paper facilitates identifying errors in the concept phase by combining MBSE approaches with reusable knowledge (i.e., knowledge graph). The approach is presented using an application example for a mobile robot.
Li, Zirui; Faheem, Faizan; Husung, Stephan
Systematic use of model-based solution patterns using the example of a load cell. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 4.2.029, S. 1-17

Complex mechatronic products are usually decomposed into several sub-systems for their development. These sub-systems are developed in parallel or even independently based on their specifications and use cases. The application of model-based solution patterns is an effective way to comprehensively and efficiently describe the available knowledge about the sub-systems. This contribution proposes an approach to support the selection and application of model-based solution patterns. The approach, based on a metamodel for solution patterns using SysML, describes the process for selecting solution patterns and aligning requirements and constraints with the as-is properties of the sub-systems. Additionally, the approach supports the design of solution patterns taking into account special knowledge from the development of the sub-systems as well as the usage of the solution patterns in different systems and contexts. As an example, an application scenario of a specific load cell within a measurement system is explained.
Sturm, Kerstin; Husung, Stephan; Wünsche, Christine
Error classification as a basis for automating the conformity of production process in the automotive industry. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 2.1.011, S. 1-16

In the automotive industry, the complexity of ensuring production conformity has increased significantly. Reasons for this are a growing number of vehicle variants in combination with increasing regulatory requirements in import markets. Violations of the "Conformity of Production" (CoP) can result in drastic penalties. This is contrasted by a partially random and manual inspection process that is currently not sufficiently automated and digitalized. According to the BMW Group CoP expert workshop there is not enough error analysis and classification in the current situation to comprehensively perform automated inspections. To gain more insight into this manual inspection process, a comprehensive error analysis and classification must first take place to derive measures. Based on the requirements for the CoP process and the findings from the state of the art, the objective of this contribution is to analyze the status quo regarding error frequencies and to derive possible measures from the findings.
Puricelli, Leonardo; Brandenburg, Stefan; Wendemuth, Andreas; Husung, Stephan; Armbruster, Diana; Meyer, Bertolt; Ragni, Marco
Going one step further: towards cognitively enhanced problem-solving teaming agents. - In: Engineering for a changing world, (2023), 5.1.137, S. 1-12

Operating current advanced production systems, including Cyber-Physical Systems, often requires profound programming skills and configuration knowledge, creating a disconnect between human cognition and system operations. To address this, we suggest developing cognitive algorithms that can simulate and anticipate teaming partners' cognitive processes, enhancing and smoothing collaboration in problem-solving processes. Our proposed solution entails creating a cognitive system that minimizes human cognitive load and stress by developing models reflecting humans individual problem-solving capabilities and potential cognitive states. Further, we aim to devise algorithms that simulate individual decision processes and virtual bargaining procedures that anticipate actions, adjusting the system’s behavior towards efficient goal-oriented outcomes. Future steps include the development of benchmark sets tailored for specific use cases and human-system interactions. We plan to refine and test algorithms for detecting and inferring cognitive states of human partners. This process requires incorporating theoretical approaches and adapting existing algorithms to simulate and predict human cognitive processes of problem-solving with regards to cognitive states. The objective is to develop cognitive and computational models that enable production systems to become equal team members alongside humans in diverse scenarios, paving the way for more efficient, effective goal-oriented solutions.
Steck, Marco; Husung, Stephan
Systematic optimisation process for an eBike drive unit in a highly variable environment. - In: Proceedings of the Design Society, ISSN 2732-527X, Bd. 3 (2023), S. 3305-3314

Drive units of eBikes are used in every type of bicycle and for different riding scenarios and riders. Due to the different riders and bike types, an enormous variety of influencing parameters and load spectra must be considered during the design process. Therefore, in this paper, a systematic approach for the optimization of the drive unit is presented, which adopts and combines several approaches from design theory. The focus is on efficient modeling and simulation of the relevant parameters and load spectra to minimize uncertainties in the design process. Based on a system analysis, dimension-reduced parameter spaces are formed for the simulation of the system, meta-models are integrated into the simulation model and the results of the simulation are transferred into a data-based surrogate model to cover the parameter space in an efficient way with a minimum number of time consuming FE simulations. Furthermore, a coordinate-based evaluation method is presented for the FE model in order to form the input for the surrogate model, reduces the amount of data, and to allows a geometry- and mesh-independent evaluation to compare different models.
Eifler, Tobias; Campean, Felician; Husung, Stephan; Schleich, Benjamin
Perspectives on robust design - an overview of challenges and research areas across industry fields. - In: Proceedings of the Design Society, ISSN 2732-527X, Bd. 3 (2023), S. 2885-2894

Robust Design offers a coherent and widely appreciated approach for the parametric exploration of the design space by means of simulation or experimentation, which is well-established in the quality-by design domain. From the perspective of design research, however, this only addresses a relatively narrow part of the design process and is not fully integrated with other design decisions such as concept exploration, the suitable configuration of system elements, or the design of interfaces. Particularly in light of the growing importance of developing technologically advanced and “smart” systems, it seems that a new methodical perspective on Robust Design is needed. Against this background, this paper consolidates knowledge and insights from different research fields and industry sectors. On this basis, new angles to the discussion on product robustness in different domains are explored in order to suggests directions for action and new research areas, both with respect to a methodical RD approach as well as the question of systematic research procedures.
Japs, Sergej; Faheem, Faizan; Anacker, Harald; Husung, Stephan; Dumitrescu, Roman
Model-based systems engineering using security design patterns in the context of ISO/SAE 21434. - In: Proceedings of the Design Society, ISSN 2732-527X, Bd. 3 (2023), S. 2675-2684

The development of modern vehicles is complex, especially regarding compliance with security and safety. ISO/SAE 21434 considers security and safety along the entire product life cycle. According to the standard, a system architecture, a risk analysis, and the application of countermeasures are carried out in the early system design. Design patterns are solutions to known design problems. Security Design Patterns (SDP) describe countermeasures and are used to reduce risk. After our literature review, we did not find a suitable approach that presents SDPs that would be applicable in early system design. In this paper, we present 10 SDPs for early system design, which we evaluated during an 11-week student project with 28 teams. We present the results of the quantitative analysis and the evaluation of the feedback.
Husung, Stephan; Koch, Yanik; Welzbacher, Peter; Kraus, Benjamin; Roehnert, Felix; Faheem, Faizan; Kirchner, Eckhard
Systemic conception of the data acquisition of Digital Twin solutions for use case-oriented development and its application to a gearbox. - In: Systems, ISSN 2079-8954, Bd. 11 (2023), 5, 227, S. 1-17

Digital Twins are being used more and more frequently and provide information from the Real Twin for different applications. Measurements on the Real Twin are required to obtain information, which in many cases requires the installation of supplementary sensors. For their conception and design, it is particularly important that the measuring principles are selected purposefully and the appropriate sensors are integrated at the goal-oriented measuring positions without impairing the functions and other properties of the Real Twin by the integration of these sensors. In this article, a "Design for Digital Twin" approach is discussed for the systematic procedure and demonstrated using a multi-staged gearbox as a concrete example. The approach focuses on the mechanical and hardware side of the Real Twin. For the systematic conception and design of the Digital Twin solution, an understanding of the stakeholder demands and the expected use cases is necessary. Based on the stakeholder demands and use cases, the relevant product properties can be determined. Using the relevant properties, an iterative process of conception, design, and analysis takes place. The conception is carried out by means of target-oriented cause-effect analyses, taking into account systemic interrelations of the Real Twin components and systematics for the selection of measurement principles. Systemic considerations, combined with an effect graph, allow for the analysis and evaluation of disturbing factors.