+++ The lecture on 10 December 2021 is unfortunately cancelled +++


Topic:         Artificial Intelligence - Public Perception and Risk Communication

Time:         Friday, 10.12.2021, 3:00 p.m.

Location:   TU Ilmenau,Faraday Building, Faraday Lecture Hall, Weimarer Str. 32

Speaker:   Dr. Andreas Schwarz, TU Ilmenau, Head of the Department of Public Relations and Technical Communication


Due to the increased incidence of Corona infection, the 3G-Plus rule applies at the TU Ilmenau Citizens Campus. All participants must identify themselves as vaccinated or recovered with official documents before entering the Faraday lecture hall in Weimarer Straße. All other participants must present a negative PCR test not older than 48 hours.

Due to the limited number of seats, pre-registration is mandatory: www.tu-ilmenau.de/buergercampus


Artificial intelligence (AI), with its various applications in manufacturing, healthcare, marketing, military, and other fields, is transforming society - now and in the future. But AI developments also evoke critical voices: especially in robotics, automation or autonomous transport technologies such as drones. In this context, the public debates range between serious concern and hysteria in the face of a supposed apocalyptic threat.

In his lecture at the TU Ilmenau Citizens Campus (previously the Senior Citizens Academy), Dr. Andreas Schwarz, Head of the Group of Public Relations and Communication of Technology at TU Ilmenau, looks at the great uncertainty or even fear in society about the impact of AI technologies. And he asks how, in light of this concern, AI should be regulated for the good of society. Since policymakers and governments in democratic societies do not rely only on expert knowledge but also take public opinion into account, public perceptions of new AI technologies and risk assessments play a central role in the innovation and regulatory process. Therefore, according to Dr. Schwarz, it is of great importance to understand how the media viewed and reported on AI technologies and associated risks. In his lecture, the researcher will present current findings in communication science and social psychology and explain the results of a study he conducted himself.


Admission: 5 euros



Dr. Uwe Geishendorf

Central Institute for Education
+49 3677 69-4675