
Information events

  • 10.07.2024 | 13:00 TU Ilmenau | Discover Europe with Erasmus+ - studies and traineeships (Sr HU 201 sowie online)
  • 17.06.2024 | 16:00 FSU Jena | Traineeships abroad: Gaining international work experience (website FSU Jena)
  • 29.05.2024 | 10:00 - 14:00 TU Ilmenau | Discover the world - Infoday of your International Office (Humboldtbau)
  • 15.05.2024 | 13:00 all Thuringian Universities | Go abroad with Erasmus+ - Your traineeship in Europe (presentation)
  • 17.04.2024 | 17:30 HS Schmalkalden | Erasmus+ traineeships in Europe
  • 10.01.2024 | 17:00 TU Ilmenau | STUDIEREN INTERNATIONAL: Turn knowledge into experience! Your options for internships abroad (Erasmus +, IAESTE)
  • 29.11.2023 | 17:00 TU Ilmenau | STUDIEREN INTERNATIONAL: Wissen? Anwenden! Deine Möglichkeiten für Praktika im Ausland (Erasmus +, IAESTE) (presentation in German, Sr Hu 010 and via Webex)
  • 27.11.2023 | 16:15 FSU Jena | Praktikum im Ausland: Praktikum in Europa mit Erasmus+ (online-presentation)
  • 22.11.2023 | 14:00 FH Erfurt | Praktikum im Ausland: Praktikum in Europa mit Erasmus+ (campus Altonaer Straße - room 6.1.21)
  • 12.07.2023 | 13:00 TU Ilmenau | Plan your Erasmus+ experience - studies and traineeship in Europe, room Sr HU 201
  • 21.06.2023 | 14:00 FH Erfurt | Traineeship abroad: Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe
  • 05.06.2023 | 16:00 FSU Jena | Traineeship abroad: Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe
  • 09.05.2023 | 15:00 all Thuringian Universities | Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe
  • 03.05.2023 | 14:00 FH Erfurt | Erasmus+ day: Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe (department Applied Social Sciences)
  • 18.01.2023 | 15:00 HS Schmalkalden | Your Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe
  • 11.01.2023 | 17:00 TU Ilmenau | Studieren International - Your Erasmus+ traineeship in Europe (online)



Pexels / Olya Kobruseva

Safety abroad

Information regarding Ukraine conflict


Due to the worsening situation in the Ukraine conflict, we would like to inform you today about adjustments in the Erasmus+ program. Please contact EU-Praktikum THÜRINGEN if you are affected in any way now or in the future...


Unsplash / Rocco Dipoppa

Visa requirement for internships in the UK

Internships in UK still possible until the end of February 2023!

Have you always dreamed about an internship in UK, but Brexit has foiled your plans? Then we have good news for you. You can still apply for funding as long as your internship in UK is completed by the end of February 2023 at the latest ...

Pexels / Anna Sshvets

Corona virus and Erasmus+

FAQ of the DAAD

The European Commission allows flexible arrangements for Erasmus+ stays abroad affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. Here you can find the DAAD's FAQ on frequently asked questions by students.


Pexels / Anna Shvets

Information for planned Erasmus+ internships abroad | 03.06.2020

Erasmus+ traineeships are still supported!

Even though not all developments can be predicted against the background of the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, you can still plan your Erasmus+ stay abroad. Please take note of the following information:

  • You can start an internship abroad at your own request and own initiative. EU-Praktikum THÜRINGEN and your home university do not assume any responsibility for the existence of infection control measures on site. Please consider the valid regulations of your home university concerning stays abroad (students of the Ilmenau University of Technology please inform yourself under Corona Information).
  • Before starting your journey, inform yourself sufficiently about the applicable regulations and infection protection measures at your home university and at your destination. In particular, use the information provided by the German Foreign Office (AA) and the local authorities. The existing regulations for the planned internship period apply.
  • Before and during your stay abroad, inform yourself regularly about the current security situation at the Federal Foreign Office Travel and Security Advice.
  • Please inform us immediately if you do not start, cancel or interrupt your internship stay due to a change in the security situation or a current travel warning issued by the Federal Foreign Office in your host country.


Pexels / Ivan Samkov

Procedure in case of changes to your internship stay due to the Corona crisis | 23.03.2020

Internships in the Erasmus+ programme are still supported!

If there is a declared risk of Corona virus in the region of your internship or if there are doubts about the implementation of the internship, the further procedure is your responsibility. Coordinate with your internship site to start, continue, interrupt or end the internship.

If you start the internship and you are staying abroad, please register in the electronic registration system of the German Foreign Office Elefand.

If you are not a German citizen, please inform yourself at the embassy of your home country.

We ask you to use the information on the websites of the European Commission, on the website of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control as well as on the website of the NA DAAD - these sites are updated and offer the latest knowledge.

Furthermore, we recommend the FAQ for students of the NA DAAD.

Please send us an e-mail

  1. if you will not start the planned internship or if you will start it later
  2. if your internship is interrupted due to the risk situation - please inform us about the following dates: first working day, exact period of interruption, planned last working day.
  3. if you are leaving now (or before the scheduled end of the internship) - please inform us about the exact date of departure and the actual duration of the internship (first and last working day at your internship site)

Please keep all original receipts for travel/ housing/ insurance costs incurred for your internship. Please keep all original receipts for the costs incurred for your internship. Minimize these costs by cancellation/termination. Home Office

If you have started your internship and are working in a home office, this may count as internship time. Please inform us - we will then inform you about the exact modalities.