
CANCELLED: Virtual CampusThüringenTour - eight universities at one stroke

Female pupils interested in studying science or technology can go on CampusThüringenTour during their summer vacation - and get to know eight thuringian universities in one fell swoop. On the virtual information tour in the first week of august, girls and young women in grades 10 and up will gain deep insights into a wide variety of study options in the MINT subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, either from home or on the road. Female pupils who come from all over germany, will visit the TU Ilmenau, the Universities of Jena and Weimar, the Universities of Applied Sciences in Erfurt, Jena, Nordhausen and Schmalkalden and the dual University of Gera-Eisenach.


Registrations until 16.07.2021: www.thueko.de/ctt

Zwei Mädchen am Laptopthüko

Not only many individual events await the girls from schools all over germany: demonstrations, workshops, study advice, lab and campus tours. They will also exchange ideas with students and thus gain first-hand insights into everyday study life and the real life of a student. A digital social program will provide fun and relaxation on the sidelines of the information sessions, and the students will also get to know each other better in private.

The CampusThüringenTour - a joint project of eight thuringian universities that is unique in germany - is taking place for the 16th time. The universities and universities of applied sciences want to inspire female students, who are often particularly talented in scientific and technical subjects, to take up MINT professions.



Melanie Meder-Jurcin
Thuringian Coordination Office for Science and Technology
+49 3677 69-4583
