
Individualized rehabilitation techniques for patients with acquired brain injury using telemedicine

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Jens Haueisen
Biomedical Engineering Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-2860

Funding information

Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Project leader: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR e.V.)

Project number: 01DS23002

Participating groups: Biomedical Engineering Group

Period of funding: 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025

Project information

As part of the proposed project, an EU application is to be submitted with the involvement of partners in the Eastern Partnership region. The aim is to establish long-term and sustainable cooperation with partners in the Eastern Partnership region. Europe is facing enormous social challenges due to its ageing population, which is leading to an increase in age-related diseases. At the same time, the less densely populated European regions are affected by deficits in the provision of adequate medical care and rehabilitation. To overcome this challenge in motor dysfunction after acquired brain injury such as stroke, it is a scientific goal of very high priority to develop a system platform for individualized and telemedically supported motor rehabilitation. This goal can be broken down into the following key scientific sub-goals:
1. development of a novel hybrid cap with dry EEG electrodes and transcranial electrostimulation electrodes.
2. interaction features with the system platform are to be researched in order to enable operation even with severely impaired motor and cognitive functions.
3. various training modules will be developed with the help of 3D information from the patients. Training programs are specifically based on positively evaluated treatment
4. the data from objectives 1-3 are combined for the purpose of individual optimization of therapy parameters.
5. the system platform is to be tested in a pilot study.
6. the platform will be integrated into the telematics infrastructure of the partner clinics. It is therefore necessary to analyze the framework conditions and organizational
    structures in each country for similarities and differences.