
Neuromorphic acoustic sensor technology for powerful hearing aids of tomorrow

Contact person

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler
Micro- and nanoelektronic Systems Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-3711

Funding information

Project leader:  Carl Zeiss Stiftung

Project number:  P2022-06-011

Participatinggroups:  Micro- and nanoelektronic Systems Group

Period of funding:  01.07.2023 - 30.06.2028

Project information

More than 11% of people in the EU are affected by hearing loss, but only 41% use a hearing aid due to ongoing problems with understanding speech and fitting devices. Our goal is to improve the acceptance and provision of hearing aids by significantly increasing their performance and making it much easier and more automated to adapt them to patients and different listening situations. To this end, principles of bilogical information processing are integrated into hearing aid technology and interactive outputs for better hearing comprehension are investigated so that people with hearing impairments can largely regain their hearing perception skills.