
Functional nanoparticle arrangement by dewetting of thin layers

Contact person

Prof. Steffen Strehle
Microsystems Technology Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-2487

Funding information

Project leader: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 

Project number: STR 1119/7-1

Participating groups: Microsystems Technology Group

Period of funding: 01.11.2017 - 30.04.2023

Project information

Since no model for the description of the nanowire contact pressure exists so far, this will be done for the first time within the framework of this project. The model shall allow statements about the influence of the nanowire morphology (e.g. surface structure, length, diameter), the nanowire density and the influence of the mechanical properties of nanowire, trapping and substrate material. With the help of this cotact pressure model, not only optimized trapping structures (including their optimal surface density) shall be developed, but also homogeneous and controlled nanowire depositions over large areas on substrates with different mechanical properties shall be feasible. Furthermore, the model should also reveal intrinsic limitations. Polymeric materials, such as photoresists, are also to be investigated in the catcher structures, as this could save process steps in component production in the future. Here, e.g. resist thickness, viscosity, mechanical stability, angle accuracy of the nanowires and resist removal (cf. nanoscale combing) are to be systematically evaluated. In addition, if successful, trapping elements could possibly be applied efficiently using conventional printing techniques (e.g. ink-jet) in the future. It should also be possible to better describe nanowire contact printing on flexible substrates (polymer films: PET, Kapton, PDMS), membranes and free-standing bending beams. Based on the model and the experimental studies, a first evaluation strategy will be developed to efficiently evaluate and optimize previously unstudied material combinations with respect to their printing properties. In summary, this research would enable new and efficient manufacturing strategies for nanowire-based sensor technology, which can range from nanowire AFM probes, over flexible sensor technology to "green electronics", using e.g. compostable substrates. Therefore, the connectivity of the new research knowledge expected in the future is completely given.