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Prof. Dr. sc. techn. (ETH Zürich) Heiko O. Jacobs
Head of Group
Nanotechnology Group
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Strasse 1 (Kirchhoffbau Room 3036)
98693 Ilmenau
Phone: +49 3677 69-3723
Fax: +49 3677 69-3709
Prof. Heiko O. Jacobs
Nanotechnology Group
Phone: +49 3677 69-3723
Project leader: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Project number: JA 1023/14-1, SCHA 632/33-1, BU 1200/35-1
Participating groups: Nanotechnology Group, Group of Materials for Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Electrochemistry and Electroplating Group
Period of funding: 01.07.2021 - 30.06.2024
Reactive layer systems are combinations of at least two substances (usually metals) whose reaction with each other has a strongly negative enthalpy. State of the art are e.g: Ni-Al multilayers produced by PVD processes. Applications for reactive layers arise in joining technology, where the rapid release of large amounts of heat in a small well-defined space is required. In this project, particulate reactive layer systems will be prepared by electrodeposition from ionic liquids (Ils). A special gas-phase process is used to prepare the nano- to microscale particles, in which the particles are obtained as a dispersion in an IL. This dispersion then serves as a base for an electroplating bath from which the layers are electrochemically deposited . For a reactive Ni-Al system, Ni particles can be dispersed in an Al electrolyte, or Al particles in a Ni electrolyte. Structure-reactivity relationships will be investigated on the deposited films using a variety of analytical methods (high-speed thermography, XRD, FIB, TEM, etc.). One of the questions to be investigated is how the size and distribution of the particles affect the reaction rate of the layer. In the electrochemical manufacturing process, special attention will be paid to the stabilization of the particles in the IL and the better understanding of the deposition process. Open questions arise regarding the role of the surface charge of the particles in the IL. Can classical theories for dispersion deposition in aqueous media describe the process considered in this project? Overall, it is expected that the state of knowledge regarding the fabrication methods and structure-property relationships of reactive layer systems will be significantly expanded. This fundamental knowledge will then provide the basis for tailoring.