Google Search
Basic data:
Applications, grants and utility models (DE, EP, WO, US) identified as developments made in Thuringia on the basis of the address data (applicant / inventor)
Patent data were combined into patent families (a patent family corresponds to an invention filed and protected in several countries)
Data were searched for the period from 2014 to 2020(priority year, i.e. the year of the first application in the patent family)
Sources and search
Searching and processing was performed in March 2021 using lists of Thuringian postal codes and place names
The following databases were searched
Databases of the DPMA were searched for Thuringian postal codes and place names in DE patent specifications (with Depatis client).
In the database REGPAT of OECD (edition 2021-01) EP and WO patent specifications with Thuringian postal codes were searched.
PATSTAT from the European Patent Office allows very detailed, statistics-oriented searches in the EPO's data funds. In the current issue "Autumn 2020" non-DE/EP/WO patent specifications were searched with Thuringian zip codes and place names.
In OPS of EPO patent family relevant data were completed (search with XPAT software).
Data processing
All data from searches were imported into Excel spreadsheets and cleaned.
Lookup tables
Thesaurus with applicant names (for standardization and unification of company names)
Thesaurus and rules for recognition of applicant type (business / science / natural person)
Concordance lists for connection IPC industry sectors (NACE-2, Schmoch/WIPO)
Additional fields
IPC class, subclass and main groupIPC is the International Patent Classification; see e.g. Wikipedia article and DepatisNet system from DPMA
NACE2 technology names based on IPC notationsNACE is "the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community"; see e.g. Wikipedia article and Patent Statistics: Concordance IPC V8 - NACE REV.2 (version 2.0), by Bart Van Looy, Caro Vereyen, Ulrich Schmoch, October 2015.
Thuringia zip code, NUTS-3, counties and places based on applicant and inventor addressesNUTS is "a hierarchical classification system for the unambiguous identification and classification of the spatial reference units of official statistics in the Member States of the European Union", see for example Wikipedia article
Tableau Public 2020.4 (open visualization on Tableau Public server)