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HotNets presentation: Towards analog Networking with PCAM

Boris Koldehofe presented at the ACM Workshop on hot topics in networking (HotNets) how analog components, in particular memristors, can improve energie efficiency and expressiveness of current packet processing architectures.

The HotNets paper proposes a new programming abstraction named PCAM which accounts in contrast to TCAM memory for the analog nature of memristive components.    More details, on the paper “The Future is Analog: Energy-Efficient Cognitive Network Functions over Memristor-Based Analog Computations” you can find in the ACM digital library. Special congratulations to Saad Saleh for doing a great job in developing and evaluating PCAM! A full description of PCAM including a detailed evaluation has just been accepted at IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2024), a top tier conference in Computer Networks.