
Dr.-Ing. Michael Roßberg Department of Telematics/Computer Networks Ilmenau University of Technology Room Z 3047 Tel.: 03677 694553 Email: michael.rossberg[at]tu-ilmenau.de

Homepage: http: //www.tu-ilmenau.de/telematik/mitarbeiter/michael-rossberg/


The lecture is oriented towards current developments in network technology. The main contents in SS 2022 are router implementations,software defined networking,network functions virtualization and innovations on the transport layer.

Dates and location:

Moodle course: https: //moodle2.tu-ilmenau.de/course/view.php?id=4106

Lectures Thursdays (even week), 13:00 - 14:30, Sr HU 010 Fridays, 09:00 - 10:30, Sr H 1520a.

Course Handouts:

See Moodle


Literature and Teachware:

Books and articles (primarily) will be referenced in lecture and slides on an ad-hoc basis.