2nd semester, computer science degree program and engineering computer science degree program2nd semester, study program Business Informatics6th semester, course of studies mathematics


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Schäfer, Department of Telematics/Computer Networks Ilmenau University of Technology Room Z 3042 Tel.: 03677 694576 Email: guenter.schaefer[at]tu-ilmenau.de Homepage: http: //www.tu-ilmenau.de/telematik/mitarbeiter/prof-guenter-schaefer/


The course gives a basic introduction to the structure and operation of communication networks.

Dates and location:


Moodle course: https: //moodle2.tu-ilmenau.de/course/view.php?id=4109

Tuesdays, 15:00 - 16:30, Audimax Wednesdays, 11:00 - 12:30, Audimax


Course Handouts:

When using the documents provided below for exam preparation, please note that the spoken word in the course is generally binding for the exam. Video recordings of the courses can be accessed here(provided by the FEM).

00 - PreamblePreamble
01 - QuickTourA Quick Tour
02 - ArchitectureNetwork Architecture
03 - PhysicalPhysical Layer
04 - Data LinkData Link Layer
05 - MACMedium Access Control
06 - InternetworkingInternetworking
07 - NetworkNetwork Layer
08 - TransportTransport Layer
09 - ApplicationApplication
10 - SecuritySecurity
WorksheetsWorksheetsMeeting on
Exercise 1Exercise 1
Exercise 2Exercise 2
Exercise 3Exercise 3
Exercise 4Exercise 4
Exercise 5Exercise 5

Literature and Teachware:

The following books provide general introductions to the field and are recommended as companion reading.

F. Halsall. Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems . addison-wesley, 1996.
J. Kurose, K. Ross. computer networks - a top-down approach with emphasis on the internet. pearson studies, 2002.
L. Peterson, B. Davie. computer networks. dpunkt-verlag. 2000.
W. Stallings. data and computer communications. prentice-hall. 1997.
A. Tanenbaum. computer networks. prentice-hall, 2002.