APFel - Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flughäfen mittels zeitlich rückwärts- und vorwärtsgerichteter Videodatenströme

Teilprojekt VILPERT: VIdeo- und Laserbasiertes PERsonentracking und Trajektorienanalyse


The Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab takes part in  cooperation with seven partners from economics and research, in the  joint research project APFel (analysis of person movement at airports via temporal backward and forward video data streams) of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).

Goal of the project,  which is part of the BMBF-Program “Pattern recognition for security applications” in the time period of 2010 until 2013, is the development of a fully automatic system, for determining the movement of a person, selected by an operator in a surveillance camera, through multiple cameras. Therewith, it is possible to provide a highly efficient person search on recorded video data streams backward in time; additionally the person can be searched in current video data streams forward in time.
Frequent questions for the security personnel, like: “Where are the parents of this child?” or “Who does the lost luggage belong to?” can be answered easily and time efficiently with this system, without manually screening the video stream data.