The FG Economic Theory offers bachelor theses on topics within the fields of
- media economics
- Competition Economics
- microeconomics
- Regulatory and Institutional Economics
- sports economics
an. Concrete topic suggestions are listed below.
No free capacity for supervision of theses by our team until mid-April.
If you have your own topic idea that lies within the above-mentioned subject areas, an agreement on such an individual topic is also possible under the condition that (1) the topic is suitable for a bachelor thesis and (2) fits into our supervisory competencies.
Bachelor theses at the FG Economic Theory can be written in German or in English, according to the student's choice. The published guidelines (Guidelines) have to be followed.
If you are interested in writing a bachelor thesis at the FG Economic Theory, please make an appointment with the FG staff member responsible for this topic.
Topics for bachelor theses:
(in alphabetical order)
Prof. Oliver Budzinski
currently no topics offered
Dr. Victoriia Noskova
Please note that the language of theses is English. Possible topics:
1. Economics of the Control of User Data
2. Normative Welfare Analysis with not Necessarily Rational Consumers
3. Epic Games and Apple: Competition in Play
4. Do Algorithms Increase Consumers Welfare?
Dr. Benedikt Schmal
1. Die ökonomischen Implikationen von Diamond Open Access in der Wissenschaft
2. Akademische Zeitschriften als zweiseitige Märkte im Zeitalter von Open Access
3. Ökonomische Evaluation von "Cancel Culture" an Hochschulen
4. Zitationskartelle: Eine industrie- und wissenschaftsökonomische Evaluation
Dr. Annika Stöhr
1. „Kartellrecht mit Klauen und Zähnen“ – Entflechtung von Unternehmen auf dem Tankstellenmarkt?
2. Der deutsche Markt für Ladeinfrastruktur für E-Fahrzeuge – Eine wettbewerbsökonomische Analyse
3. Die Pläne für einen deutschen Energiestrompreis – Eine wettbewerbsökonomische Einordnung
4. „De-Influencing“ als neue Form von Werbung?
Thank you for your interest in writing a thesis at the FG Economic Theory.
Here you can find the list of already processed bachelor thesis topics under the administration of HSB.