
Three papers and one symposium accepted at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM)

Rrezon Lajci with three accepted papers

The 24thAnnual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) will be held in Bath this year.

The Management/Organization Group will be represented at this leading European conference in the field of management with three papers:

  • Managers’ innovative work behavior: A positive organizational behavior perspective (Rrezon Lajçi and Norbert Bach; Gentrit Berisha from University of Prishtina/Kosovo
  • Workplace Belongingness and Management Support as Antecedents of Manager’s Innovative Work Behavior (Rrezon Lajçi; Gentrit Berisha and Besnik Krasniqi from University of Prishtina/Kosovo; Drin Govori)
  • The Influence of Job Attitudes on Intrapreneurial Intention: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations (Rrezon Lajçi; Gentrit Berisha and Besnik Krasniqi from University of Prishtina/Kosovo)

Additionally, Rrezon Lajçi from our research group is among the proponents of the accepted symposium 'Exploring intrapreneurship as a research avenue between entrepreneurship and organizational behavior'. Other proponents are prominent professor from different universities, including Andrea Caputo, Petra Neessen, Massimiliano M. Pellegrini, Sara Sassetti, Dr. Dinuka B., and Rrezon Lajçi, as well as discussants like Rodrigo Isidor, Besnik Krasniqi.

We congratulate the successful authors and look forward to the further development of their research contributions!