News at Management/ Organization Group

The Management/ Organization Group at the High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference

Philipp Damwerth presents a paper written together with Prof. Bach and Prof. Buchholz

After a successful acceptance, the paper „Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Contrast - An Integrative Framework on Types and their Salient Characteristics“, written by Philipp Damwerth, Prof. Norbert Bach and Prof. Wolfgang Buchholz, was presented at this year's HTSF Conference in Münster by our external PhD student Philipp Damwerth.

In this paper, the authors show that Entrepreneurial Ecosystems form one of the three focus points in literature on the topic of Ecosystems. With the help of a content analysis, they identify characteristic differences in which Entrepreneurial Ecosystems can be distinguished from other types of  Ecosystems. This concerns the structure, governance, value creation and power relations in Ecosystems.

The HTSF Conference provided the authors with useful feedback from the many discussions and suggestions on how to further develop their paper.


Katrin Steinborn
Secretary Management/Organization Group

Telefon: 03677 69-4066
Telefax: 03677 69-4219

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