Media Event Online Lectures 2021

5G Campus Network

Daniel Wolbers
Media Broadcast

TV live productions, drone control or the transmission of 360 degree camera signals - application examples of daily social, economic and scientific life. The presentation shows in detail the possibilities of a 5G campus network in terms of technical realization (frequency spectrum and network capacity, infrastructure and security, indoor and outdoor realization, 5G blue box, end devices) and numerous use cases. Furthermore, current developments are considered and discussed based on results of the EU Horizon 2020 project 5G-VIRTUOSA.


Versatile Video Coding - An Overview of the Standard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Narroschke RhineMain University of Applied Sciences

In his presentation, Professor Narroschke will give an overview of the video coding standard Versatile Video C oding(VVC), which was adopted in July 2020. This standard was developed by the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET), which is composed of experts from the two standardization groups ITU-T Study Group 16 Question 6 (VCEG) and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG).

VVC was developed with the aim of reducing the data rate of digital video signals, while maintaining the same subjective picture quality compared to the HEVC standard adopted in 2013, by around 50%, while enabling a wide range of applications. This includes, in particular, efficient transmission of particularly high-resolution video signals. This includes local resolutions of 4K, 8K and greater, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut. Furthermore, efficient transmission of computer-generated screen content and omnidirectional 360° video signals, along with adaptive streaming, are key target applications. VVC thus continues the series of internationally important standards, which include MPEG-2 / H.262, MPEG-4 AVC / H.264 and HEVC.

The presentation gives an overview of the essential coding techniques of VVC. A focus will be placed on the techniques that are not included in previous video coding standards and make a significant contribution to increasing coding efficiency. Overviews of the data rate reduction achieved with VVC compared to HEVC, defined profiles and current developments in international standardization with regard to future standards round off the presentation.


Production of "Everywhere

Christian Koch TreeTop Christian Koch and Conny Lichtenberg GbR

The pandemic has abruptly created new demands in media production, changed processes and helped new ideas to blossom. This was and is challenging, but very interesting. In less than a year, productions have emerged in areas that have little to do with classic broadcasting: Hybrid seminars, sports events with only online viewers, distributed radio talk shows, online meetings with elections, multi-day seminars over Zoom and LTE, trade show conferences with almost no on-site presenters, and parallel services from two churches simultaneously. Each event different, each a new challenge.

The presentation looks back at the months since May 2020 and describes experiences, challenges and possible solutions from Akamai to Zoom.

Christian Koch is a computer scientist and graduate of the Technical University of Ilmenau. With his software company, he is primarily active in the media sector (print, audio, media technology). Together with noxus.TV from Erfurt, he revived the topic of streaming for himself in 2020, after setting up the first streaming server for the student radio station Radio hsf at the TU Ilmenau in 1997.


SRT - a protocol as problem solver?!

Justus Rogmann, SRT Solutions Architect Haivision IT and Services

Video streaming has become an everyday tool for many of us, whether in our private or professional lives. However, the use of streaming is often limited to use cases that do not have critical latency requirements. When it comes to bi-directional communication or contribution to the studio with a return channel to the source, people often still rely on a video conferencing system, with conscious acceptance of degraded video quality. The alternative - low latency video streaming - often fails due to unreliable networks or the Internet per se. The Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) protocol has addressed this very challenge and has established itself in a variety of workflows. Since it became available as an open source library, more than 450 manufacturers worldwide have implemented it in their devices and software solutions.

In his presentation, Justus Rogmann will explain how the protocol is structured, what it is capable of and where the limits of the use cases lie. Besides the basics, there will also be a focus on the handling of SRT connections from the user's point of view. For those familiar with the protocol, there will be a summary of last year's innovations, such as the long-awaited redundancy modes or the Stream-ID feature, which enables ways of working that one was used to from the RTMP protocol.


Video infrastructure for the distributed congress of the Chaos Computer Club

Alexander Votteler, Internet Service Provider Aachen Anton Schubert, Riedel Communications

Every year between Christmas and New Year, the Chaos Computer Club holds its congress on social, political and technical topics. After 36 years and meanwhile more than 17,000 participants, it has established itself internationally. Due to the special circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, the 2020 event could not take place in the Leipzig exhibition halls as before. The organisers were therefore faced with the challenge of transferring the congress to the digital world.

Building on smaller streaming conferences, which in a sense served as a test run, the idea emerged to hold the Congress as a distributed hybrid event. Lecture stages with small teams were to be distributed throughout Germany and connected via the Internet. A total of 2 main channels and 17 secondary channels were produced from 21 locations. This resulted in a continuous lecture program over four days. The production was technically managed by the CCC's Video Operation Center (VOC) in cooperation with the Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. (FeM) from Ilmenau. While the VOC took care of streaming and publishing the videos on various online platforms, FeM took on the task of setting up a central technical hub. In the so-called "Master Control Room" the signals of the studios converged and were played out and recorded for the main programs. The technical features included simultaneous translation into up to two languages and team communication across multiple locations.


Current Media Usage and Reach Development Big SmartScreens/HbbTV

Dirk Lüdemann, Head of HA DISTRIBUTION Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb)

Media usage has been changing increasingly and significantly in recent years - in the meantime, a closer analysis reveals trends from which it is possible to derive an orientation for media companies. In the area of conflict between more publication channels, types of end devices and platforms, it is a challenge to use one's own resources in a targeted manner, as these are limited.

With a multi-page analysis from different angles and sources, the lecture summarizes the background as well as the usage and reach developments and provides orientation in the now very broad field of audio/video media publication.

By means of examples, necessary contexts for effective types of media presentation and necessary framework conditions for realization are explained.