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Prof. Dr. Kathy Lüdge
Head of Group
Sekretary´s office
Dagmar Böhme
Tel.: +49 (0) 3677 69 3706
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Physik
Secretarys office:
Dagmar Böhme
Tel.: +49 (0) 3677 69 3706
Curiebau, Zi. 320
We investigate dynamic instabilities caused by optical feedback, optical injection or mode coupling in lasers. The charge carrier dynamics in the amplifier material (e.g. semiconductor nanostructures) play a central role here. Another research topic concerns the extent to which these optical systems can be used for hardware-based machine learning. We use numerical methods to solve coupled differential equations as well as analytical methods of nonlinear dynamics for bifurcation analysis. Reservoir computing is a method of machine learning that can be easily implemented in hardware and is being intensively investigated in the working group. In the project NeurosensEarNeuromorphic acoustic sensor technology for powerful hearing aids of tomorrow, funded by the Carl-Zeiss Foundation, we are investigating micro-mechanical resonators as in-sensor reservoir computers."
Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI), San Diego, US 21-25/08/2022 - Title: Photonic reservoir computing with non-linear memory cells: Interplay between topology, delay and delayed input
DPG Tagung (SKM Meeting), Regensburg, 4-9/09/2022 - Title : Photonic Reservoir Computing: Analytic insights and possibilities for optimization
Lüdge, K.; Jaurigue, L.
Cheap light sources could make AI more energy efficient"
In News & Views, Photonics, 632, 2024
Cindrak, S.; Donvil, B.; Lüdge, K.; Jaurigue, L.
"Enhancing the performance of quantum reservoir computing and solving the time-complexity problem by artificial memory restriction"
In Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013051, 2024
Thurn, A.; Bissinger, J.; Meinecke, S.; Schmiedeke, P.; Soon Oh, S.; Chow, W.; Lüdge, K.; Koblmüller, G.; Finley, J.
"Self-Induced Ultrafast Electron-Hole-Plasma Temperature Oscillations in Nanowire Lasers"
In Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 034045, 2023
Köster, F.; Patel, D.; Wikner, A.; Jaurigue, L.; Lüdge, K.
"Data-informed reservoir computing for efficient time-series prediction"
In: Chaos, 33, Issue 7, 2023
Meinecke, S.; Köster, F.; Christiansen, D.; Lüdge, K.; Knorr, A.; Selig, M.
"Data-driven forecasting of nonequilibrium solid-state dynamics"
In: Phys. Rev. B 107, 184306, 2023
The group Theoretical Physics 2 offers courses in the framework of the course Technical Physics. This concerns the three Bachelor modules:
Theoretical Physics 1 Theoretical Physics 2 Theoretical Physics 3
as well as the Master modules:
Theoretical Physics, Numerics and Simulation Module Physics of Complex Systems.