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Dr. rer. pol. Heike Schorcht
Head of the President's Offcice
Ehrenbergstraße 29 (Ernst-Abbe-Zentrum)
Zi. 3321
TU Ilmenau is a research-strong university with campus flair, intercultural diversity and a family environment.
Scientists in around 100 subject areas conduct innovative cutting-edge research at the highest level. To this end, they bundle their expertise in three profile lines and work interdisciplinarily on solutions for socially relevant future topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable Energy Supply or Mobility.
These topics also shape the traditionally strongly engineering-oriented range of courses: With a total of 44 Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma programs in five departments, TU Ilmenau offers a wide selection of programs in engineering, information technologies, economic sciences and media, mathematics and natural sciences. The modern equipment and personal support enable a high quality of education and optimally prepare graduates for professional life in both industry and science.
Students, scientists and employees at the TU Ilmenau are part of a strong and cosmopolitan campus communitywith numerous opportunities for participation, co-design and personal development.