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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anja Geigenmüller
Vice President for Learning and Teaching
+49 3677 69-5010
Procedural instructions describe in detail concrete procedures and responsibilities for core processes in teaching and learning, i.e., among other things, for the "introduction of a new study program", for the "significant change/further development of a study program", for the introduction of modules and publication of module descriptions, and much more.
The procedural instructions for studying and teaching as well as further working aids are deposited on the Intranet QM at study and techning(access only with university login).
The "QM Report" provides an overview of quality management relevant activities at the TU Ilmenau in the past year. The further development of the quality management system is presented as well as the use of measurement, evaluation and control instruments defined in this system and the cooperation of the QM department with external organisations.
QM reports for the years 2015 to 2019(only with university login)
The "QM Manual" presents the quality management system of the TU Ilmenau, tasks and responsibilities, procedures and instruments in a systematic, understandable and user-friendly way. The continuous development of the system requires a revision and further development of the "QM Manual".
QM Manual of the TU Ilmenau (in revision; access only with Uni-Login)